
Saturday, August 31, 2019

I Am a Small Girl in a Big World Looking for Recognition

OCCUPATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY REPORT Working in the office environment for three years, I had been experiencing the serious effect of Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS), as is exampled by a study in the UK which found that 75% of laptop users who used a laptop for four hours or more a day reported back pain. With the desire to have a thorough understanding, I have been motivated to have a research on this matter. OOS (also known as Repetitive Strain Injury) is simply a term used for a range of condition characterized by discomfort of pain in the muscles, tendons or other soft tissues (Harvey, S. 2002) p. 29). Symptoms of OOS could vary depending on the person, the site and severity of injury and the nature of the tasks undertaken. However, you should pay more attention to if you have several warning signs like pain, muscle weakness, swelling, numbness, restricted mobility of the joint or loss of function as you are likely in the early stage of OSS. Changes to workplace design and p ractices can alleviate or prevent the condition. In workplace, OOS covers numerous tasks that involve repetitive or forceful movement and/ or maintenance of constrained or awkward postures.OHS hazards could be recognized as poor work organization and workstation layout, badly designed computer hardware/ software and badly designed office furniture. Identifying the hazards, the best way to control the risks is to follow the safety procedures which might be to minimize repetitive tasks, take regular rest and stretch breaks or to maintain correct postures and vary them often and so on. Depending on your specific job nature, you could take different actions to better manage the symptoms. (Source: http://www. mydr. com. au/pain/office-ergonomics-workstation-comfort-and-safety)For the office workers, few people know that their job is ranked as the high-risk job. An Australian study conducted by Comcare, for example, surveyed 2,000 ACT government workers with alarming results. Of the 1,000 who participated, eight out of 10 respondents who had not claimed workers’ compensation had OOS symptoms and two out of 10 had severe symptoms, meaning, in other words, that they were in constant pain. For my specific case, dealing much with the paper work required me to spend lots of time keying in data, having the fixed posture and focusing my eyes at the same distance point for extended period of time.At the early time, I had no idea about the possible hazards and felt so comfortable with my work. However, my colleagues who had experienced the serious effects warned me about the injuries which result from inappropriate computer use. They could be posture-related injuries, overuse injuries of the upper limbs or eyestrain. As the result, several ways were suggested for the workstation comfort and safety. I found that the most efficient tips for the matter is that you should have a good posture (as illustrated in the below picture), your furniture should be adjustable and st rict time limits break should be applied.To sum up, OOS could happen in all workplace, for all kind of occupations. Therefore, the safety procedures should always be followed and all the risks that can arise should be considered as the safer the workplace is, the more productive the work is. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Occupational Overuse Syndrome, viewed 23 May 2012, 2. Ergonomics Australia, The continuing problem of OOS in the office, viewed 23 May 2012, 3. Occupational Overuse Syndrome (OOS), viewed 29 May 2012, 4. Office ergonomics: workstation comfort and safety, viewed 30 May 2012, 5. Workplace safety – overuse injuries, viewed 29 May 2012, 6. Dan Kaufman, The Hidden Plague,

Friday, August 30, 2019

George Orwell 1984

George Orwell wrote his novel 1984, originally published in 1949, as a forecast of what will become of the political class. The year is 2018, and much has come to pass. Orwell may have missed the date of what happens in the future, but he did stipulate in detail what becomes of the future once the oligarchs take over power. Orwell foretold of a society where the government would peddle propaganda to the citizens, all that, in an excursion to distract the people from the real problems in society. Propaganda, in this case, is used to alter the truth and manipulate people into thinking that whatever the party says, the party is never incorrect. The works of 1984 by George Orwell is an example of where art imitates life. Through Winston, Orwell paints the picture of 1984; â€Å"large TV screens that broadcast government propaganda, news and approved entertainment† in addition to having the Ministry of Truth as the architect of the lies (Beale). Misinformation is the tool of the trade for most politicians, if not all, in the contemporary time. Propaganda in its crude form is the dispensation of untruthful information aimed at disrupting a person, nation, or idea so as the maker of the false statements can draw benefits from the situation. In 1984, The Party took its need to spread propaganda to the extremes; The Party operates the people of Oceania to say and think in a way the party deems fit. Communications made in Oceania carry politically charged messages, and the residents are to believe the words and act in accordance if the state of Oceania tells them otherwise. In the article, â€Å"Propaganda and Surveillance in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: Two Sides of the Same Coin†, Michael Yeo states that â€Å"propaganda divides revealingly and essentially into two main forms, which I call the propaganda of fact and the propaganda of fiction† which is revealed throughout the novel (Yeo 51). Winston demonstrates a kind of propaganda that is universal in the novel, such as propagation of lies as facts, while Julia represents the propaganda of fiction working in the Fictional Department on a novel writing machine.In the novel, Winston states â€Å"I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself† (Orwell 155). Winston Smith was the head of rewriting history and destroying records that did not reflect well on the regime. The Ministry of Truth was meant to update records to fit the policies of the Oceania government. The falsifying of documents had taken place for a long time, and Winston was erasing old lies with new ones. While producing propaganda for the Oceania government, Winston worked under self-censorship by working as per the estimates of The Party needs. The works of propaganda get channeled to the public through the Times newspaper. The media today just like the Times in 1984; it helps the political class spread propaganda. The need to publicize propaganda is alluring to the extent that governments own media outlets where government agenda gets spread. Propaganda has the sole of aim of changing the opinion of a person to one that is favorable for the oligarch. In the 2017 presidential elections in the United States of America, propaganda was at the center of the campaigns for the top contenders. The information supplied during the campaign period was meant to shape the opinion of the voters, and that is what propaganda does (Beale). Newspeak is a propaganda tool used in 1984, to replace ordinary English. On page fifty-two of the novel, Winston asserts â€Å"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible†. Through Newspeak, fictional ideas get spread as the truth. It is vital for lies to stand out as the truth and that was the reason Oceania oligarchs came up with Newspeak. It was strange how the government of Oceania managed to subvert the thoughts of many people by defining terms in their conceptual opposites, for example, freedom is slavery. It was important that Oceania government used a one-dimensional language to hide the truth. The style and ideas of expression presented in Newspeak are what the public and corporate officials, and the mass media utilize; when they speak for the political class. Today, democracy, freedom, and equality are a cover-up used when referring to the societal levels, and inequality in capitalist democracies like the United States of America.In the world today, governments are up in arms to fight terrorism. It is not a denial that there have been several acts of terrorism around the globe, but how can the world be at war with an enemy that is unknown. â€Å"Taxpayers' money goes in million-dollar projects aimed at subverting the next terror act† (Tugwell 53). All this takes place while there are more pressing issues to attend to, like making sure all the old persons in society get the desired care. In Oceania, the government told of a war that never existed. The enemy's name could change from time to time just to keep the citizens confused. Just like in the war against terrorism, the targets are in constant change. The architects of terrorism are not known, and it cannot get blamed on a race, religion or country. Luckily for those living in the current times, critical thinking is not a crime as was in 1984 where â€Å"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death† (Orwell 36). The war on terror is not coming to an end any time soon, the longer the war, the more people live in fear, all for the benefit of the government. From the novel 1984 by George Orwell, The Party used peer group pressure, removal of privacy, dress codes, obedience, and fear of spreading propaganda. The people of Oceania were not supposed to resist new ideas as fronted by The Party; they often found the need to belong to The Party and the Anti-Sex League. In the United States of America, the two major political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. When the people of America fight to belong to any of the parties they agree to get bound by the agenda of the party. Whatever the parties speak about other faction is taken as the truth. In Oceania, there was only one political party. In the United States there is more than one political party, but they all serve the imperial needs of the country (Beale). Much like the novel of 1984, the continuous amounts of spying and monitoring of the people can be reflected into our society currently: Today websites like Facebook track our likes and dislikes, and governments and private individuals hack into our computers and find out what they want to know. Then there are the ever-present surveillance cameras that spy on the average person as they go about their daily routine (Beale).In comparison with the novel, the telescreens, Big Brother pictures, and constant surveillance also take away people's privacy and privilege to go about their day peacefully much like our civilization. Moreover, The Oceania government did not spy secretly; the citizens knew they were under supervision; the thought of being watched shaped people's actions as there was no room to be ones' self. The government of Oceania made the citizens believe there were enemies amongst them, the people who supported Goldstein, hence the measures were necessary. Propaganda not only takes away privacy away from people, but it also allows the government to monitor online activities of people, including the reading of sent texts all in the disguise of checking out for any signs of planned terror activities. Oceania was in an endless war with East Asia. The enemies of Oceania kept the government on toes, to wage wars while neglecting the needs of her people. The United States has always had enemies, and it is ever at war. The United States has taken upon itself to fight for world stability, even if the battles destabilize countries. The citizens are made to believe that they are well off than all other people around the world and it is the responsibility of the government to ‘take care' of the world. The U.S has invaded many states in the assumed role of the world leader. The countries invaded include Vietnam, Iraq, and Libya among many others. The United States invaded the nations to restore peace and stability, but that was not the case once they left. Iraq and Libya have remained politically unstable since the they wrapped up on her mission in the countries. One wonders why the U.S would attribute stability and peace as the reasons of invading countries that are peaceful and stable before the eyes of the world, only to leave them unstable and in civil conflicts. All that is the work of propaganda, the agenda of all the wars the United States is involved in is to secure the interests of the political class.George Orwell wrote the book, 1984, not knowing how long it would take for the future to turn out as exemplified in the book, but the book is not only futuristic but also prophetic of the future. Propaganda together with other tools is used to manipulate and control the residents of Oceania and show readers how their government functions similarly to our current system of economics and media. The political class of Oceania believed that whoever was at the helm at the moment controls the future and could do the same to the past. Making people think that there is war is the government's way to maintain peace. War brings people together by inspiring devotion and patriotism. The war on terror has done the same thing to several people around the world and the citizens of the United States of America. Propaganda keeps democracies running since it is the tool of the oligarchs to hold a nation hostage without their knowledge. Any idea, rumor, or misinformation deliberately spread about an idea, institution, government or a person, are all acts of propaganda; they are everyday occurrences in the world today.? George Orwell 1984 George Orwell wrote his novel 1984, originally published in 1949, as a forecast of what will become of the political class. The year is 2018, and much has come to pass. Orwell may have missed the date of what happens in the future, but he did stipulate in detail what becomes of the future once the oligarchs take over power. Orwell foretold of a society where the government would peddle propaganda to the citizens, all that, in an excursion to distract the people from the real problems in society. Propaganda, in this case, is used to alter the truth and manipulate people into thinking that whatever the party says, the party is never incorrect. The works of 1984 by George Orwell is an example of where art imitates life. Through Winston, Orwell paints the picture of 1984; â€Å"large TV screens that broadcast government propaganda, news and approved entertainment† in addition to having the Ministry of Truth as the architect of the lies (Beale). Misinformation is the tool of the trade for most politicians, if not all, in the contemporary time. Propaganda in its crude form is the dispensation of untruthful information aimed at disrupting a person, nation, or idea so as the maker of the false statements can draw benefits from the situation. In 1984, The Party took its need to spread propaganda to the extremes; The Party operates the people of Oceania to say and think in a way the party deems fit. Communications made in Oceania carry politically charged messages, and the residents are to believe the words and act in accordance if the state of Oceania tells them otherwise. In the article, â€Å"Propaganda and Surveillance in George Orwell's Nineteen Eighty-Four: Two Sides of the Same Coin†, Michael Yeo states that â€Å"propaganda divides revealingly and essentially into two main forms, which I call the propaganda of fact and the propaganda of fiction† which is revealed throughout the novel (Yeo 51). Winston demonstrates a kind of propaganda that is universal in the novel, such as propagation of lies as facts, while Julia represents the propaganda of fiction working in the Fictional Department on a novel writing machine.In the novel, Winston states â€Å"I know, of course, that the past is falsified, but it would never be possible for me to prove it, even when I did the falsification myself† (Orwell 155). Winston Smith was the head of rewriting history and destroying records that did not reflect well on the regime. The Ministry of Truth was meant to update records to fit the policies of the Oceania government. The falsifying of documents had taken place for a long time, and Winston was erasing old lies with new ones. While producing propaganda for the Oceania government, Winston worked under self-censorship by working as per the estimates of The Party needs. The works of propaganda get channeled to the public through the Times newspaper. The media today just like the Times in 1984; it helps the political class spread propaganda. The need to publicize propaganda is alluring to the extent that governments own media outlets where government agenda gets spread. Propaganda has the sole of aim of changing the opinion of a person to one that is favorable for the oligarch. In the 2017 presidential elections in the United States of America, propaganda was at the center of the campaigns for the top contenders. The information supplied during the campaign period was meant to shape the opinion of the voters, and that is what propaganda does (Beale). Newspeak is a propaganda tool used in 1984, to replace ordinary English. On page fifty-two of the novel, Winston asserts â€Å"Don't you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thought crime literally impossible†. Through Newspeak, fictional ideas get spread as the truth. It is vital for lies to stand out as the truth and that was the reason Oceania oligarchs came up with Newspeak. It was strange how the government of Oceania managed to subvert the thoughts of many people by defining terms in their conceptual opposites, for example, freedom is slavery. It was important that Oceania government used a one-dimensional language to hide the truth. The style and ideas of expression presented in Newspeak are what the public and corporate officials, and the mass media utilize; when they speak for the political class. Today, democracy, freedom, and equality are a cover-up used when referring to the societal levels, and inequality in capitalist democracies like the United States of America.In the world today, governments are up in arms to fight terrorism. It is not a denial that there have been several acts of terrorism around the globe, but how can the world be at war with an enemy that is unknown. â€Å"Taxpayers' money goes in million-dollar projects aimed at subverting the next terror act† (Tugwell 53). All this takes place while there are more pressing issues to attend to, like making sure all the old persons in society get the desired care. In Oceania, the government told of a war that never existed. The enemy's name could change from time to time just to keep the citizens confused. Just like in the war against terrorism, the targets are in constant change. The architects of terrorism are not known, and it cannot get blamed on a race, religion or country. Luckily for those living in the current times, critical thinking is not a crime as was in 1984 where â€Å"Thoughtcrime does not entail death: thoughtcrime IS death† (Orwell 36). The war on terror is not coming to an end any time soon, the longer the war, the more people live in fear, all for the benefit of the government. From the novel 1984 by George Orwell, The Party used peer group pressure, removal of privacy, dress codes, obedience, and fear of spreading propaganda. The people of Oceania were not supposed to resist new ideas as fronted by The Party; they often found the need to belong to The Party and the Anti-Sex League. In the United States of America, the two major political parties are the Democrats and the Republicans. When the people of America fight to belong to any of the parties they agree to get bound by the agenda of the party. Whatever the parties speak about other faction is taken as the truth. In Oceania, there was only one political party. In the United States there is more than one political party, but they all serve the imperial needs of the country (Beale). Much like the novel of 1984, the continuous amounts of spying and monitoring of the people can be reflected into our society currently: Today websites like Facebook track our likes and dislikes, and governments and private individuals hack into our computers and find out what they want to know. Then there are the ever-present surveillance cameras that spy on the average person as they go about their daily routine (Beale).In comparison with the novel, the telescreens, Big Brother pictures, and constant surveillance also take away people's privacy and privilege to go about their day peacefully much like our civilization. Moreover, The Oceania government did not spy secretly; the citizens knew they were under supervision; the thought of being watched shaped people's actions as there was no room to be ones' self. The government of Oceania made the citizens believe there were enemies amongst them, the people who supported Goldstein, hence the measures were necessary. Propaganda not only takes away privacy away from people, but it also allows the government to monitor online activities of people, including the reading of sent texts all in the disguise of checking out for any signs of planned terror activities. Oceania was in an endless war with East Asia. The enemies of Oceania kept the government on toes, to wage wars while neglecting the needs of her people. The United States has always had enemies, and it is ever at war. The United States has taken upon itself to fight for world stability, even if the battles destabilize countries. The citizens are made to believe that they are well off than all other people around the world and it is the responsibility of the government to ‘take care' of the world. The U.S has invaded many states in the assumed role of the world leader. The countries invaded include Vietnam, Iraq, and Libya among many others. The United States invaded the nations to restore peace and stability, but that was not the case once they left. Iraq and Libya have remained politically unstable since the they wrapped up on her mission in the countries. One wonders why the U.S would attribute stability and peace as the reasons of invading countries that are peaceful and stable before the eyes of the world, only to leave them unstable and in civil conflicts. All that is the work of propaganda, the agenda of all the wars the United States is involved in is to secure the interests of the political class.George Orwell wrote the book, 1984, not knowing how long it would take for the future to turn out as exemplified in the book, but the book is not only futuristic but also prophetic of the future. Propaganda together with other tools is used to manipulate and control the residents of Oceania and show readers how their government functions similarly to our current system of economics and media. The political class of Oceania believed that whoever was at the helm at the moment controls the future and could do the same to the past. Making people think that there is war is the government's way to maintain peace. War brings people together by inspiring devotion and patriotism. The war on terror has done the same thing to several people around the world and the citizens of the United States of America. Propaganda keeps democracies running since it is the tool of the oligarchs to hold a nation hostage without their knowledge. Any idea, rumor, or misinformation deliberately spread about an idea, institution, government or a person, are all acts of propaganda; they are everyday occurrences in the world today.?

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Strategy-driven management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Strategy-driven management - Essay Example As Chang and Platt have it: Management needs a new, more powerful means of responding to changes while learning to adapt in a very different business environment. Strategy-driven management is the answer. Strategy is defined as a disciplined way of thinking and managing. No organization can succeed long without having clearly defined purposes and objectives, the means to deploy its forces and resources, and the power to motivate its people to forge ahead. (Chang & Platt 1987, p. 52) Every aspect of the company's activity - from organizational structure and culture to its strategic goals - needs to be correlated all the time with the current situation on the market. Continuous change is an integral part of any organization's activity, and in order to remain competitive, managers should "learn to respond to a growing number of changes in how they structure companies, conduct business, implement technology, and relate to customers and employees". (Suresh, 2001, p. 3) Situation analysis helps to correlate the organization's resources with its opportuni

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

What are the main problems encountered during the formation of Essay

What are the main problems encountered during the formation of alliances - Essay Example These factors jointly represent a better placed company that is in a position to compete in the overly competitive global market. Unfortunately, global strategic alliances do not always present the envisioned merits. In any case, they present greater resource challenges. This is often the case when a firm selects the wrong partner. The wrong choice of an alliance partner diminishes the chances of an alliance’s success. Besides the choice of the wrong partner, other factors lead to the collapse or failure of strategic alliances. These reasons include opportunism, cultural differences, lack of commitment by one of the partners, lack of trust, relational risk, and lack of clear objectives amongst others. Globally, there has been a wide preference of global alliances; unfortunately, most of these never achieve the envisioned goals and objectives. In fact, statistics indicate that close to two thirds of alliances fail within the first two years of constitution. Even though the case s of productive strategic alliances are scarce, there exist firms that have benefited from these arrangements. The most common benefits are diversification of risk, competitive advantage, synergy, and ease of market entry. Increased globalization and heightening technology application has augmented the importance of strategic alliances. ... Emergence of technology and globalization has rendered the simplistic generic strategies applied in U.S. markets ineffective. Modern day firms must embark on a path of frequent innovation to remain at par with the ever changing market dynamics and preferably, forge ahead of equally effective and innovation conscious rivals. As a result, firms have to alter tradition approaches to market domination they must be flexible in their market approaches. Most of the areas requiring flexibility are technology, marketing, distribution channels, and plant economics and heightening constraints on resources. To effectuate inter-firm partnership and utilize it as a strategy, business heads must alter their traditional thinking regarding competition and realign themselves to mutual ways of running businesses in the global economy, as resources and strengths of organizations are so varied that no particular firm has all the essential ingredients to come up with effective global strategies (Hiriyappa , 2010). Business leaders are converging on the idea that congregating the capabilities of others firms across the globe to compete efficiently is not only sensible but also necessary. It is clear that strategic alliances have attracted widespread attention and are frequently being viewed as one of the few alternatives to withstanding and outwitting widespread competition. In this sense, global alliances are considered as accommodating contracts between firms from dissimilar countries that are real or possible competitors (Hill & Jones, 2010.p.273). Strategic alliances run come in different arrangements; they can either be official joint ventures, where

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis Research Paper

Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis - Research Paper Example These economies experience some degree of vulnerability in the international market. The third segment of countries in the gulf region consists of the countries that have high demographic pressure, low functioning social safety nets and low levels of economic growth (Sharif, 2006). Social and economic crises within these countries have hindered their economic growth and they have been exposed to the rages of financial crisis. There are fewer countries in the third group than in the first and groups, but these countries are worse affected during the financial crisis. The countries in the third group include Sudan, Mauritania, Yemen, Djibouti, Comoros and Somalia. These countries received very little international support during and even after the crisis ended. Hence, the governments of these countries have been serious measures to improve the banking and financial systems in their own countries. Islamic banking in the contemporary finance world The banking industry in the gulf region has passed through a period of major improvements over the period of last five years. Over the years, Islamic banking industry has matured and has become a viable competitor of the conventional commercial banks operating in the Middle East as well as in the South East Asian countries (Koldertsova, 2010). At the global level, the banking system of the gulf region has increased in importance. The Middle East acts as the core launch pad for the promotion of the system of Islamic banking in the Western financial markets and business culture. The following section has been devoted to the study of the changes that have taken place in the banking industry in the gulf region after the global financial crisis. Changes in Gulf banking industry after global financial crisis Technological... Conclusion The effects of the financial crisis have to be considered by the policy makers while making plans for the future and improving the management systems internal to the organizations. It is important that banking and financial sector of the gulf economies have to be transformed and integrated in to the main stream financial system of the globe. It is, therefore important that the challenges in these economies are identified and the future prospects are determined with reference to the resources available to the economies for dealing with the challenges. In this regard, past experiences regarding failure of the banking industry have to be truly accounted for. The system of Islamic banking has spread from the gulf region and entered the practice of banking of the other developed countries in the world, such as Australia, the United Kingdom, the United States of America and Canada (Venardos, 2006). After the financial crisis, this system has become more concerned about the ethical values o f financial transactions and has simultaneously increased its flexibility; so as to compete with the conventional interest based financial system. As a whole, the banking and finance industry in the gulf region has undergone certain developments and has become an exemplary finance practice in the global market (Khan and Bhatti, 2008).

Monday, August 26, 2019

Final paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 8

Final paper - Essay Example Natural law is based on the independence of supernatural considerations and natural foundations. Natural law has two perspectives: the transcendental and evolutionary. The due process was developed to ensure that individuals had their rights and freedoms portrayed and that they had a fair trial in defending themselves in the court. The crime control method, was however, implemented to ensure that weak cases were finished up easily and discarded as soon as possible; the model ensures that bigger cases, which are important, would get more attention from the courts thus an earlier conviction (Dautrich and Yalof, 2012). The due process aims to ensure that a person in any contact with a criminal agency cannot have his/her rights refused minus the appropriate applicable legal measures. The basis of this model is that a person has some fundamental rights that are needed to be upheld by a criminal agency. The model has less faith in the justice system compared to the crime control method. However, the model is useful because it controls the forcible powers of the agencies; and if there is an error or mistake, the accused can defend them. Thus, the principal aim of the model is to create a system that the accused is assumed innocent until his/her guilt is proven by the court of law (Dautrich and Yalof 2012). The crime control model condemns a person for performing an action which is perceived to be criminal. The model prioritizes the conviction of individuals who have committed a crime yet they do not want the court system to decide them. The model is focused on conviction and innocent individuals may end up being convicted for the model to achieve its goal. The model comprises of some assumptions: justification of rights for the victimized, heavy dependence on the prosecutorial events and the deduction of guilt (Kraska 2004). The crime model is a conservative

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Rise of the Papacy Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Rise of the Papacy - Research Paper Example e on earth will be  loosed in heaven†.1 After the ascension, Peter of course played an active and pivotal role in building the first Christian communities in Judea, Greece, and Rome. Although the earliest forms of Christianity were not â€Å"Catholic† per se, the subsequent movement of Catholicism traces its origins back to the very earliest Christians and leverage this understanding as a means of developing a type of ethos with respect to the church’s stature within Christendom. The purpose of this brief essay will focus upon the rise of the papacy and the manner through which the bishops of Rome came to define, and indeed be called, â€Å"pope† in the contemporary sense and meaning of the word. It is the hope of this author that such a level of discussion will be beneficial in helping the reader to come to a more profound understanding with respect to how this institution came into being and the causal factors that facilitated the rise of the papacy at the distinct moment in time that it took place. As has previously been referenced within the introduction, the foundations of the papacy can be traced back to the belief that Christ would found a church with Peter as its figurehead. As Christianity grew and Christian communities sprung up throughout the Mediterranean region, and elsewhere, the fundamental need for some type of control structure and/or figure of leadership was abundantly apparent. Peter, Paul, and the other apostles, noted in the New Testament, spent a great deal of time running between these early communities and seeking to avert major crises of faith/doctrine. As a matter of defining the way in which these groups of believers would engage with the gospel, interact with one another, and seek to integrate with the remainder of the Christian communities throughout the world, early forms of Christianity soon began to nominate and promote bishops within these communities as a means of providing a type of regional figurehead that could help to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

This Book is not Required Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

This Book is not Required - Essay Example As well, the authors of this book - all of whom are incredibly qualified and respected - critically discuss the ever so important matter of how academic life distinguishes between that of learning the institutional roles of higher education, combined with that of the matter of internalizing these particular rules. Furthermore, this book has many quality features included, such as real-life student vignettes that are completely honest and which perfectly address that of actual issues that are facing college students in the world today, and as well there is an overt encouragement of a participatory college education and personal reflection for students in regards to that of various different disciplines. In order to truly understand a literary work such as this, you truly need to divulge into the core parts of the book, and in this case that would refer to the concepts that are included: concept 1, and concept 2. Concept 1 is incredibly important, and it actually helps in several different ways, in particular by helping to explain what is actually going on in the book, and it truly involves the matter of encouraging students to educate themselves by doing several things, one in particular being to call their attention to that of the personal, social, intellectual, and spiritual demands and opportunities that are offered by the college life in general. The second concept is one which basically further describes the first one, however it is one which more so describes that of the impact of the college life, how it affects the students, and what they should do in order to make the matters that they deal with in college life more applicable to that of everyday life. Both of these concepts are extremely important, and truly are what makes this book such an essential read to students and the public in general, and applying these two concepts to the book truly helps you to understand it better overall, and in many different regards at that. This can be proven by the fact that this book is one which was actually revised by actual college students, and this was under the direction of Bernard McGrane, who is one of the authors; this helps not only to make the book actually true, but also to give a perspective that will be precise rather than assumed, thus allowing the aimed age group to truly be able to understand and familiarize with the matters of this book as a whole. The text in this book is given in an incredibly personal and refreshingly is it able and does truly take the critical discussion of academic life and then distinguishes it properly so that it is literate and understandable for the readers; which is favorable because it allows the readers because they will be more interested in something that they can relate to as opposed to something that is intolerable or not understandable or recognizable. One of the most influential chapters of the whole book

Friday, August 23, 2019

Reading commentaries (( economics )) Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Reading commentaries (( economics )) - Assignment Example The chapter brings readers to attention of the failure of neoclassical theorists to recognize the upheavals that capitalism was going through, which culminated into emergence of new schools of thought by such economists as Bastiat. Capitalism was subverted by a tinge of imperialism, coupled by a severe depression that ultimately resulted in the Great Depression (Hunt and Lautzenheiser 372). Neoclassical economists assumed normal periods of boom and depression. They also assumed that the economy had self-correcting mechanisms which would automatically fall in action whenever the economy underwent depression. Social unrests such as the World War 1, emergence of fascism and Soviet Revolution had a pervasive effect on the stability of capitalism. The chapter reveals that this instability marked the departure of such economists as Keynes from the classical school of thought. Keynes felt the need to reassess his thinking or ideas which were hedged on classical school of thought. In explain ing the failures of the classical economists, the chapter brings to light two untenable issues that dominated the classical theories. The first issue relates to the concept of utility. ... Classical economists assumed that in equilibrium, the entrepreneur did not make profits. They also failed to analyze the negative features associated with the production process under capitalism. The concept of utility and maximizing profits is clearly elaborated in the chapter. Consumers seek to maximize utility out of a given bundle of good while firms seek to maximize profits. The chapter notes that classical economists came up with abstract ideas to explain the concept of utility maximization. For example, classical economists used indifference curves in their explanation of utility concept and diminishing marginal utility. Classical economists assumed an ordinal approach to consumer preference. The authors have dismissed this as â€Å"conceptually impossible† (Hunt and Lautzenheiser 374). A graphical approach has enabled readers to understand the concept of maximizing utility. The assumption here is that there is consistency in the choice made by consumers and that there are only two commodities involved (Hunt and Lautzenheiser 376). The level of consumers’ income acts as the budget constraint. The concept of indifference curves enabled marginal utility of goods to be measured through analysis of the slope of indifference curves. The concept was also important in determining the equilibrium point at which a firm should produce through the use of isoquants. The chapter also explains how a production possibility frontier was used to arrive at combinations of goods that could possibly be produced in a situation whereby there was efficient utilization of capital and labor in the society (Hunt and Lautzenheiser 375). The chapter has devoted to highlighting key criticisms of the neoclassical economics in order to enable students construct balanced opinions. The

Critical Review of the Olympic Cities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Critical Review of the Olympic Cities - Essay Example It is not a new phenomenon by many cities in promoting boosterism through the holding of big events. The American cities have held show case events in attracting visitors, investors and residents. Recently, this strategy has changed in many cities because of many factors such as change in federal urban policy and the high global economic competition. At the start of the 1980 there was shorted in the funds that were given by federal government in the development of the cities. This made other cities to come up with other strategies in the development of their cities. The mega events are not only symbolic but they are also considered present a good image for the cities. This image has resulted in the growth and economic development of the cities. There is a comparison between image creation and the local government. Image creation has ensured that there is allocation of resources at different cities. Mega events are a big push to the development of economic development. These events ar e recognised as a great opportunity for growth in many different cities. The Olympic Games are considered as the major mega events. This is because they able to increase tourist attraction and ensure the host company get a lot of revenue. Most importantly is that the host city get media recognition for their effort in holding the events. Methodology As part of the survey methodology different cities were selected where the event already been held. The survey was conducted on three cities which have experienced bidding as well as staging the Olympic game in areas such as Atlanta, Los Angeles and Salt Lake City. The focus in mainly on the Olympics as it has become the mega event during the global economic competition. The survey is conducted only on US cities due to the political economy of the federal system (Andranovich, Burbank, & Heying, 2001). The American cities are in a unique position with regards to hosting large events such as Olympics. Mega events occur with multi-dimension al and multipurpose of the aspect. The events in each city are examined over three key stages which involves, bidding for the game, organising and post games legacy. The three cities differ in terms of size, political history, social consumption and economic base. Therefore by comparing the cities the main aim is to identify the features of relationship between consumption based economic development and mega event strategy in urban politics. The journal Olympic cities: Lessons learned from mega events, which aim to address the challenges and opportunities in hosting the Olympic Games and focusing on cities of Salt Lake City, Atlanta and Los Angeles. The focus is mainly on the adoption of strategy to conduct the mega event and the effect it had on urban policy (Andranovic, Burbank, & Heying, 2001). To begin with an overview of consumption on economic development has been discussed which had two dimensions which includes building convention centres and sports development. Many people aspire in learning how the mega event strategy contributes in the urban politics of the US. There are the cities in US that have high experience bidding in order to hold the Olympic Games (Andranovich, Bur

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Air Pollution Essay Example for Free

Air Pollution Essay Air Pollution is another major problem that is yet to be solved. The air is 99.9% nitrogen, oxygen, water vapor, and inert gases. We as humans depend on the air around us to live, without it we would die. Although we rely on this as an essential source for living, it is still littered and polluted with chemicals. Pollution of the atmosphere and the air around us is air pollution, and this is becoming more popular everyday. There are several main types of air pollution that include smog, acid rain, the greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer. The types are extremely harmful to the environment and could result in serious damage. There are many causes of air pollution and there are many to blame. The first type of air pollution is smog. The word smog came from a newspaper article almost 50 years ago. The word is slang for smoke and fog, and that is indeed what smog is. Smog is a form of air pollution created by the photochemical reaction with sunlight and the chemicals in the air, and than this deadly mixture is released into the atmosphere. An example of how fatal smog was in 1952 with the incident, Londons killer smog. This incident happened in December of 1952, when a deadly wave of smog hit London killing over 10,000 people. Citizens walked through the streets with surgical masks on, waiting for a wind to raise and blow this terrible wave of pollution away. There wish came true on December 10, after almost a week of terror and many injured and dead people. Smog alone is just as fatal and dangerous as the other forms of air pollution. The other major types of pollution are acid rain, greenhouse effect, and holes in the ozone layer. Acid Rain is any precipitation that has an abnormal acidic amount. Acid rain is formed when chemicals are released from places like cars and factories, these chemicals rise and mingle in the clouds, and than return to earth in the form of precipitation. The Greenhouse effect is another import issue in air pollution. The Greenhouse effect is the trapping of heat and energy due to the gases that form a barrier in the atmosphere. The gases will let heat in but will not let all heat out. This is similar to what happens in a greenhouse. The ozone layer  is also at great risk. In places like Antarctica the ozone layer is disappearing rapidly. Scientists have different theories about that, saying that it is due to chemicals made on earth, the extreme temperature in Antarctica, and some believe it is a solar activity to blame. In any case it is obvious to see that the ozone layer is in danger . CAUSES AND SOLUTIONS There are numerous causes to air pollution. There are two main causes of air pollution; fuel burning in residential, commercial, and industrial places is one cause. The other cause is automobiles creating immense amounts of carbon monoxide and other toxic fuels. The burning of chemicals releases fumes in the air polluting the atmosphere. Large factories are at blame in this case due to their large amounts of chemicals burned and of their large smoke stack which pumps these fumes into the air. Inside many factories they burn fossil fuels, these fumes than are sent into the atmosphere, further contributing to the air pollution problem Another major cause of air pollution is car fumes. Inside the engines of cars, fossil fuels are being burned, and than these vapors are omitted out through pipes in the car. The major chemical being pumped out of the car is carbon monoxide; this is a very toxic material and can be fatal if enough is in taken. Diesel engines are also very toxic. These engines contain over 450 different chemicals and about 40 of the chemicals exhaust are considered toxic air contaminants by the State of California. Air Pollution also imposes the biggest threat of all; our health. Our health is the most precious thing to us and air pollution endangers this greatly. The people that are most vulnerable to the air pollution risk are young children, people with breathing problems, and elderly people. Short-term effects to air pollution include irritated eyes, nose, throat and upper respiratory system and other symptoms include headaches and nausea. Some long term effects of air pollution exposure are chronic respiratory disease, lung cancer, heart diseases and damage to important organs such as the brain. Although there are many problems there is also a number of solutions. By completely eliminating the pollution would solve all these problems, so by doing little things we all can make a big difference. Since cars contribute a great deal to the air pollution problem, by using them less would lessen the problem. By not using things like Styrofoam, which are made in a factory that had to burn fossil fuels, you are also helping your community. To eliminate pollution indoors always use clean and clear ventilation machines and filters. Lawmakers should also make more laws on air pollution and pass more bills pertaining to this subject. CONCLUSION There is many to blame when it comes to air pollution. There is the citizens who use cars (that give out carbon monoxide) and use material made in a factory. There are the factory owners, who let their factories run, although they know theyre polluting the air everyday. Than there is the government. Although the government is trying to stop it, they also contribute to the problem by not passing more laws about this situation. Everyone is at blame for the air pollution problem, but if we all work together we can fix our mistake and save the atmosphere. Air Pollution is an extremely serious matter that is not taken seriously. The future of the earth is in our hands and we should treat this with respect. We have the opportunity to change our future, the opportunity to alter the way generations live, we should treat this opportunity with care and kindness. We should be more aware of the things that are happening in the world and what we are doing when the car revs up and puff the smoke. As we drive away in our cars, we are driving our future generations into a tangle of trouble. Soon people will have to wear surgical masks when walking down the street. We cannot let this happen to our society! We must be aware, prevent, and do it. We must be in action at all times trying to save the ozone layer and trying to stop smog from occurring in great masses. Lets drive away from air pollution and drive into a smog-free life!

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Development of App for Gaming

Development of App for Gaming Chapter 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION This section will demonstrate the after effects of distinctive devices utilized as a part of presentation, investigation and understanding of the outcome in assessment. Tables are likewise included in the section for effortlessly comprehension of the contrast between the current and the proposed programming. 1. Entities used in the proposed software An entity is a thing of enthusiasm to an association about which information is to be held. In a business for instance, substances would be things, for example, a client, a representative, or thing of stock. Each of these substances have what are portrayed as Attributes. Table 2 Input variables in the Main Menu Screen The table above shows the entities used in the proposed software. The proponent researched about the component of a game, this entities were all used by RPG games. 2. Design Consideration of Piratescape There are design considerations that are needed to be followed on building the Piratescape. Some of these are Algorithm, Data Structure, Architectural Design, and System Design. a. Algorithm Figure 4 Implementation of Touch Screen Based Application Algorithm The program shown in Figure 4 implements the Touch Screen Based Application Algorithm. In spite of the fact that this calculation it can distinguish the vicinity and area of a touch inside the presentation zone. Figure 5 Projection Matrix Algorithm The projection matrix algorithm was used on the software to show the Perspective on 3d world it is distance of object on the player’s character. Orthographic projection (or orthogonal projection) is a method for speaking to a three-dimensional protest in two measurements. It is a type of parallel projection, where all the projection lines are orthogonal to the projection plane, bringing about every plane of the scene showing up in relative change on the review surface. Figure 6 Mipmap Filtering Algorithm In 3D computer graphics, mipmaps are pre-calculated, enhanced grouping of surfaces that go with a principle surface, each of which is a continuously lower determination representation of the same picture. The tallness and width of every picture, or level, in the mipmap is a force of two littler than the past level. b. Data Structure Figure 7 Multi-Dimensional Array Array. It is utilized to indicate a variable that can be filed. One dimensional show is an organized gathering of segments that can be gotten to independently by indicating the position of a part with a solitary listed quality. The information of the same sort and same degree then its ideal to store it in a cluster. A show can hold any kind of information and can have multidimensional. For getting to components of cluster, list is generally utilized. Multi-dimensional clusters are typically spoken to consecutively segment approach on paper, and the terms of lines and segments are utilized as a part of registering. In Piratescape, multi-dimensional array is used for the assigning every value on index in Tile Map System. A typical tile map consists of a multi-dimensional array/matrix containing references to a tile object. Every index holds information such as the type of terrain, if it is possible to walk on it. Figure 8 Implementation of Multi-Dimensional Array in Coordinates Figure 5 shows the use of multi-dimensional array in coordinates. A common tile map consist of a multi-dimensional array/matrix containing references to a tile object. This tile article holds the data, for example, the sort of landscape, in the event that it is conceivable to stroll on it. c. Code Optimization Code optimization is a procedure where the projects source code is advanced for the projects execution and ease of use. Code optimization likewise includes the utilization of standards and calculations to program code with the objective of making it quicker, littler, more proficient, et cetera. Table 3 Quality Assurance Checklist Criteria Total Total (Yes) (No) Table 3 represents the result of the inspection from the white box testing. All the 11 classes and 73 methods on the Quality Assurance Checklist, have passed the inspections. These methods were written well and this is because the software was written with the knowledge of code optimization so the standards of the criteria were targeted immediately during the development of this program. Table 4 The table above shows the number of line of codes of all the each method within every class. Only the handle and together with the character render method has a long code because of directions given on its character movement and the accuracy of the d-pad to its movement. Table 5 Table ? presents the number of conditions that the methods contained within the program which all had minimum occurrences. Fault Density This is the number of faults or errors that are found and will be given a ratio from a certain number of codes. The program passed the criterion because the program’s codes were written with knowledge about quality assurance and code optimization, so there were post fixes upon coding before the white box testing was conducted. d. Architectural Design A UML (Unified Modeling Language) is utilized to indicate, envision, alter, build, and archive the antiques of an article situated programming concentrated framework being worked on. UML is utilized as a part of request to demonstrate the design outline of the proposed programming. Use-case Diagram. It gives a premise of correspondence between end-clients and engineers in the arranging of the product venture. The diagram below shows the use-case diagram of the Piratescape. Figure 9 Use-Case Diagram of Piratescape The researcher used a Use-Case Diagram to understand the flow of the program development. A Use-Case Diagram can portray the different types of users of a system and the various ways that they interact with the system. Activity Diagram. It demonstrates the stream of control that can be utilized as outline for investigation and rationale technique. Figure 10 Activity Diagram of Piratescape The researcher has provided the activity diagram for better understanding of the user. The figure activity diagram of Piratescape show the user will load the main menu and choose a button such as play, and exit button. Figure 10 shows that the user will load the main menu and can choose button such as start, and exit button. When the user chooses start button, it will proceed to the gameplay of Piratescape. In the exit game button which will allow the user to exit the game. Sequence Diagram. Is a sort of connection graph that indicates how techniques work with each other and in what request. Figure 11 Sequence Diagram of Piratescape Piratescape used Sequence Diagram also representing for software design. Sequence diagram shows how objects communicate with each other in terms of a sequence of messages. Class Diagram. Is a kind of static structure outline that portrays the structure of a framework by demonstrating the frameworks classes, their characteristics, operations (or systems), and the connections among items. Figure 12 Class Diagram of Piratescape The class diagram shown in figure 12 represents the PiratescapeRender class, MainMenu class, and Enemy class. All the classes that extend a class has the capability to access the methods in the extended class. 3. System Requirements in Implementing Piratescape Table 6 System Requirements Table 6 represents the minimum hardware requirements of the Piratescape to run on an Android mobile device. The respondents are recommended to use Android 4.4 as the operating system because it is the one used in the development of the software and at least 128mb of free memory from Phone Memory and Memory Card. The application requires a minimum of 64mb of free memory from Phone Memory together with Memory Card, also with Android 4.0 operating system. 4. Level of Acceptability of the software The researcher showed the result of the software in terms of Entertainment, Originality, and Gameplay. Table 7 Result of the Evaluated Software The proponent distributed evaluation forms to the game enthusiast on an internet cafà © named Netopia (Fairview Branch). With a weighted mean of 3 interpreted as Neutral was rated for the Entertainment of the Piratescape. The respondents that seen the software have been provided entertainment by the said software. In terms of Originality, a weighted mean of 3.5 which is interpreted as Neutral. The respondents saw the software’s concept have met the respondent’s satisfactory level. In terms of Gameplay, a weighted mean of 3.05 which interpreted as Neutral. The respondents saw the software is capable to provide an interesting and challenging gameplay. A total Weighted Mean of 3.183, the software was evaluated as Neutral remark was formulated according to the respondent’s answers. Chapter 5 SUMMARY OF FINDINGS, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATION This part condenses the significant discoveries, presents conclusions and proposal for the proposed system Piratescape. Summary This project entitled, â€Å"Piratescape†, was proposed in order to give an exciting mobile game using the trendiest mobile phone and operating system in market called Android. One major problem for developers and publishers of mobile games is describing a game in such detail that it gives the customer enough information to make a purchasing decision. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following questions: 1. What are the input variables in developing this game, Piratescape? 2. What is the design considerations needed to develop a game in term of: a. Algorithm b. Data structure c. Architectural design; and d. Code optimization? 3. What are the hardware and software requirement in implementing the game, Piratescape 4. What are the levels of acceptability in term of Piratescape in terms of: a. Entertainment; b. Originality; and c. Gameplay? Constructive form of research was used in order to develop this project. The researcher provided an evaluation form to the respondents which serve as guide to evaluate the proposed software. Summary of Findings The details stated below are the summaries of findings based from the careful analysis of the gathered data: 1. Input Variables The specialist recognize the data variable that used to the product. A variable is utilized for putting away information. An information sort is doled out to a variable to focus the characterization of a specific kind of data. A good example is the attack and the movement buttons. 2. Design Considerations for the development of Piratescape The following are the design considerations of the Piratescape. a. Algorithm. The algorithms used by the researchers to create the proposed software are the Projection Matrix Algorithm which is also known as Perspective, on 3d world it is the distance of the object on the player’s character, Mipmap Filtering, it creates a lot of textures that depends on views, and the Minification, which reduces the size of the picture or textures. b. Data Structure. Multi-dimensional cluster is utilized as a part of a few sections of the system. Fundamentally, the analysts all the more frequently utilize this kind of cluster for better investigation in the most effective way. c. Architectural Design. It speaks to the general outline or structure of the created programming which is concerned with the primary parts of how the product functions. The researcher used Lucid Chart to present the Use-case, Activity, Sequence, and Class Diagram for the development of Piratescape. d. Code Optimization. Code enhancement is a methodology where the programs source code is streamlined for the programs execution and ease of use. A PC project may be advanced with the goal that it executes all the more quickly, or was equipped for working with less memory stockpiling or different assets. 3. The System Requirements for Piratescape The minimum Hardware Requirements are Smartphone with Touchscreen technology, RAM at least 512 and above, Memory Storage at least 128mb and above; together with the Software Requirements which is a Smartphone running on Android OS and Android OS Version 4.0 and above. 4. The Level of Acceptability of Piratescape The level of acceptability of the software is evaluated in terms of Entertainment, Originality, and Gameplay. The proponent conducted an evaluation to the Game Enthusiast and Game Experts. Conclusions Based from the analysis of the summary of findings, the following conclusions were depicted: In the field of mobile application, mobile games have been a huge contribution on our past time on our modern lives. The researcher developed a mobile application entitled â€Å"Piratescape† to share to the respondents and players to not just play, but to travel past time when you are on idle. Following a certain algorithm, data structure, code optimization, software design and architectural design can be very helpful in developing a system to avoid faulty down system design. In every program, data structure are needed for the researchers to have a better analysis in the most efficient way. Recommendation These were the recommendation for the researchers based on the summary of findings and conclusions. The developed software will be a good guide in future researchers in terms of mobile game development, provided that the mobile phones implementing the software have met the minimum and recommended system requirements. Future researchers are encouraged to enhance the developed software by adding some features and effects. Future researchers may improve the features by using wireless communication for multiplayer gaming. The more players can play at a time, the better.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

What The Dsm Attempts To Do Psychology Essay

What The Dsm Attempts To Do Psychology Essay DSM-IV is a classification of mental disorders that was developed for use in clinical, educational, and research settings. American Psychiatric Association, DSM-IV-TR, 2000 What the DSM attempts to do is have specific criteria for specific disorders, but at the same time, not have the manual be used in a cookbook fashion. Meaning that the specific diagnostic criteria in the DSM are meant to serve as guidelines concurrently with clinical judgment. As we all know, each disorder included in the DSM has a set of diagnostic criteria that signify what symptoms must be present in order to meet the criteria for a diagnosis. Conversely, there are some disorders where there are symptoms that must not be present in order for an individual to be eligible for the diagnosis. A strong point of this particular set-up of the DSM manual makes finding the disorder and its diagnostic criteria easier because of its conciseness. The use of the DSM diagnostic criteria to diagnose has been shown to increase diagnostic reliability (Mezzich, 2002). As noted above, the DSM-IV is a manual that helps outline mental disorders. A major strength is that healthcare professionals such as physicians, psychologist, psychiatrists, and others combined their resources and knowledge to create a universal manual (Well in the US anyways) (Speigel, January 3, 2005). Also, the DSM is used for appropriate coding for billing and insurance purposes which, for most psychologists, is imperative in order to receive reimbursement for treatment. Another strength of the DSM is that it allows researchers to gather a group of patients who meet the described criteria for the disorder, try different treatments, and compare the results. For example, a percentage of patients with social phobia might be helped by placebo, and if a greater number will be helped by a psycholeptic, or psychotherapy, or whatever the treatment is in their design, then one of these treatments can be found valuable. This is important because the idea of evidence based treatment appeal s to the general public, to the field, and is just common sense. Therefore, it is known that empirical data is more useful than untested theories and endless debates that are not proven by research. One weakness that I have found is the reoccurrence of including the social effects of disorders in the criteria by which the same disorders are identified (Widiger Sankis, 2000). It has been argued that when a person meets or exceeds the criteria for a disorder, the DSM does not satisfactorily take into account the context in which a person is living, and to what degree there is a disorder of an individual versus a psychological response to their negative environment (Chodoff, 2005). Therefore, should someone who is in a very poor living situation (emotional or physical abuse, in poverty, ect) these may be the sole factor for some their symptoms, so should it still be assessed in the criteria? Sometimes, an individuals quantity of impairment is often not correlated with symptom counts, and can stem from various individual and social factors, the DSMs standard of distress or disability can often produce false positives (Spitzer R.L., Wakefield J.C., 1999). However, the reality still is that some individuals who dont meet all the symptom criteria may still experience similar suffering or dysfunction in their life. The DSM-IV is practically known as a categorical classification system. The categories are models, and a patient with a high relation to the model is said to have that disorder. The DSM-IV (2000) states, à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"there is no assumption each category of mental disorder is a completely discrete entity with absolute boundariesà ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ã‚  At the same time, unique, mild, or non-criterion symptoms are not given any importance in the diagnosis (Maser, JD., Patterson, T., 2002). On the other hand, qualifiers are sometimes used when explaining the level of disorder; for example: mild, moderate or severe forms. For many the disorders, symptoms must be adequate to cause à ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒâ€¦Ã¢â‚¬Å"clinically significant distress or impairment in social, occupational, or other important areas of functioning. (APA, DSM-IV-TR, 2000) It has been said that ever since the DSM was created, it has been argued that its system of classification makes indiscrete categ orical distinctions between disorders, and uses somewhat random cut-offs between normal and abnormal (Widiger Coker, 2003, p. 3). I agree that the cut-offs seem a bit arbitrary, and though it is not always voiced, my professors seem to silently have the same opinion. It has been argued that rather than using a categorical approach, a fully dimensional or continuum approach may enhanced the diagnosis people and make it more individualized. (Dalal P.K., Sivakumar T., (2009). What I feel would make the next version DSM superior comes from a suggestion by Dr. Kraemer at the American Psychiatric Association 2007 Annual Meeting, in San Diego, California. (Busko, June 14, 2007) She stated that the purpose of a diagnostic system of mental health disorders, such as the DSM, is not to say what is normal or acceptable but to describe the presentation of a person who comes to get clinical help. The point being made is when a healthcare professional uses the DSM they have to answer this question,Does the patient fit this mental disorder category? Right now, there are only 2 options: Yes or No, which makes the DSM very categorical. However, a dimensional diagnosis, would give us 3 or more potential values that can be ordered. An example, provided by Dr. Kraemer was: While I think that having more than a binary option is a good idea, I am not sure about this Absolutely Sure or Unsure categorization that is presented. Yes, the diagnostic classification should lead to a diagnosis that is reliable and valid, but it should also trust in the professionals life experiences and knowledge in determining how any one disorder is presented in an individual. At the same time, I am cautious about having a classification system that starts running into subclinical diagnosis. I feel that this would lead into everyone leaving a psychologists or psychiatrists office with a disorder. One side note I would like to add, is that as it has been presented by the APA, the DSM-5 is leaning towards making Aspergers Syndrome a combined disorder with Autism Spectrum Disorder. As a person who has a brother with Aspeger and having worked with the general Autistic community, I feel abhorred that such a thing would be considered. They are similar, but not the same thing. Especi ally when we are discussing an individuals ability to live independently and function in their community. For me, this would be like combining Schizoid personality disorder and Schizotypal personality disorder. Well, I will just stop my rambling for now. Hello Ms. XD, I hope you are doing well. After our evaluation and my consultation with my supervisor, we have determined that you have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. Within Panic Disorder, you can have panic attacks. A panic attack can described as an event of very intense fear or uneasiness that comes on rather quickly. People can experience Panic Disorder in different ways, but some of the symptoms are: chest pain, feeling like you are choking, a feeling like you might be dying, feeling like you may have not control of your emotions. You can also have hot flashes, chills, nausea, numbness, shortness of breath, sweating. fast heartbeat, or you may start shaking. Once again, these symptoms can start all of a sudden and usually gets more intense as time goes on, but these feelings usually peak within 10 minutes. You also have Agoraphobia along with your Panic Disorder. This means that you may have a strong fear of being in a difficult or embarrassing situation that you cannot escape from. Some people who have severe agoraphobia may not want leave home. There may be certain locations or situations that may make you concerned that you will have a panic attack. These feelings can have a big impact on your social, work, or educational life. It may make it difficult for you to be around others because you may be concerned that you will have another panic attack. Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia is one of the most common anxiety disorders. Approximately 1-2% of the general public have this disorder. Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia can start at anytime during someones life, but it usually starts in adolescence and mid 30s. It is rare to have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia over the age of 45. So you fit the within common age range of occurrence. Also, with Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, females are 3 times more likely than males to have it. If someone in your immediate family also has this disorder, you are 8 times more likely to get it. Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia is generally considered chronic. This means that it is not likely to go away in the near future. However, the severity can go from very low to very high while you have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia. You may eventually stop having panic attacks, but it is common to still have the symptoms of agoraphobia. There are many reasons on how Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia happens, but there is no one direct cause. Some think there is only a genetic reason why this happens. That means that it is in your genes that were transferred on from your parents. It is also believed that panic disorder may be a learned behavioral response to stressful situations. This means that you may have learned at some point during your life that, maybe unconsciously, it was okay for you to react in a certain way and that is what has lead you to have panic attacks. It is also thought that some peoples brains are wired in a way that makes it easier and more common for them to have a panic attack. These are all possibly reasons why you have Panic Disorder with Agoraphobia, but the important thing now is to look into what the best way to treat it. There are many different options. For medications, there are a variety to choose from, but the most common medicine to use is called an SSRI. Some medicines that you have h eard of before, such as Prozac and Zoloft, are SSRIs. You have about a 60% chance of being panic attack free if you stick with your meds. However, if you dont, it is very likely that you will have more panic attacks. Another choice is using a specific kind of psychotherapy called Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. CBT is a type of therapy that helps you focus on how you think about things and how you behave. Within CBT is something called Panic Control Treatment. This would meant that you would experience the symptoms of a panic attack in a safe environment. Along with this you would learn deep breathing and relaxation. I highly recommend that you go with this therapy. Therapy and medicine can be combined, but that is up to your physician or psychiatrist to decide. Ms. XD, I hope the best for you and please let me know you if you have an issues or concerns.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Legalizing Same-Sex Marriage Essay example -- Civil Rights, Homosexual

The issue of legalizing same-sex marriage is one of great controversy. There are some people who think that gay people have no rights and should never be allowed to marry. Other people believe that gay people are just like anyone else and should enjoy the same rights and privileges as heterosexuals do. People opposing gay marriage argue that a couple of the same sex getting married would redefine the word marriage, the purpose of marrying is to procreate, and they should settle for Civil Unions instead. I feel that all fifty states in the U.S. should allow same-sex marriages. Only in the states of, Connecticut, Iowa, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, New York, California, along with the District of Columbia are gay couples allowed to marry. There are more states that allow first cousins to marry. Same-sex marriage is very important with gay couples and activists in today's society. One of the main reasons is that the primary purpose of marriage is procreation. â€Å"Because gay couples are unable to have children, they should not be allowed to marry† (Schiffen 495) If this is one of their strongest arguments, then marriage licenses should be denied to all couples who are unable to conceive, meaning: men and women over the age of seventy, infertile women, and sterile men. However this is not the case, which is why that argument is invalid. On January 1, 2002, a bill became effective to give members of registered same-sex and opposite-sex couples the right to adopt a partner's child. According to the American Psychological Associ ation, August 11, 2010 press release â€Å"American Psychological Association Reiterates Support for Same-sex Marriage† Research has shown that marriage provides substantial psychological and phy... ...vernment guarantees equal rights for all citizens. Works Cited Bidstup, Scott. "Gay Marriage: The Arguments and the Motives." 13 Oct. 2000. 1 Nov. 2011 Malone, John. "21st Century Gay" M. Evans and Company, Inc. 2001 Murphy, Jenny. Should Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry? 3 February 2000 http://speakout.com/cgi-bin/udt/im.display.printable?client.id=speakout&story.id=1138b National Campaign for Same-Sex Marriage...Draws Political and Religious Opposition." CQ Researcher. (Vol.#)(1996): 420-423. Say, Elizabeth A. and Kowalewski, Mark R. Gays, Lesbians, and Family Values The Pilgrim Press. 1998 "Should Gay Couples Be Allowed to Marry?" Http://www.apa.org. 11 Aug. 2010. American Psychological Association. 29 Oct. 2011 .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Video Games: I Hate Loving Them :: Essays Papers

Video Games: I Hate Loving Them I love video games. I love them, and I have no idea why. I will never forget the first time I played the original Nintendo Entertainment System as a child. I was quite young, and I had accompanied my mother and sisters to visit my mother’s family in Ohio. Their town was quite small, and being used to the constant distraction of the city, I found the whole situation to be rather void of entertainment. This was until I was invited to the neighbor’s house, where lived a young boy about my age. I was led to his room, where I discovered something that appeared to be quite magical. Sitting on the edge of his bed, a few feet from a television he sat, holding a controller. Understand that at this point in my life I was certainly no stranger to video games; they were typically black and white and usually entailed navigating a little square man through swarms of little square foes and ultimately to a some sort of goal, which was usually also square. This game I witnesse d was nothing like that. I watched the boy control a little man as he battled fierce walking mushrooms and flying turtles in a quest to save a princess. We played for hours upon hours until it was time for me to leave, at which point the controller had to be nearly ripped from my hands. That day was the beginning of an addiction which not only myself but the majority of America’s youth would soon embrace: electronic gaming. Video games have come a very long way since their inception. Gone are the days of squares battling squares. Modern video games entail remarkably realistic players in three dimensional environments which are sometimes so vast that the players can literally get lost. Today’s games require years of development, and as many gamers will argue, are more fun than ever. Perhaps, however, they’re a little too fun. Electronic gaming has become so vastly popular that in the year 2000, eighty-four percent of overall teens played electronic games regularly (Walsh). As video games become more and more main stream, they have become the topic of much criticism. While some argue that there are some positive effects of electronic gaming, overall, video games are far more detrimental than beneficial; they offer little or no good to those who play, and are a colossal waste of time.

Technology in the Classroom Essay example -- Education Teaching

Technology in the Classroom Almost every single occupation in today’s working world is impacted by technology in one form or another. As I have grown as a person and a student, I have noticed the obvious impacts and changes technology is taking on in education. These changes and impacts are both positive and negative to the children, young adults, and adults who are pursuing technological opportunities. In The Art of Fiction, John Gardner said, â€Å"The business of education is to give the student useful information and life-enhancing experience, one largely measurable, the other not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One of the main reasons technologies are becoming so popular in today’s education is because it is introduced to children at any earlier age than every before. â€Å"Ninety-nine percent of all elementary and secondary schools in the United States have installed computers.†[1] Students are encouraged to research by using the internet for book reports, making banners or signs for science fairs, and typing their paper for an essay. I believe it is important for students to be introduced to this at an early age. I also believe that they get a well grounded understanding of the â€Å"important† reasons to use a computer. So many children get caught up in games, email, chat, and music because they may spend too much time on a computer. These things are okay to an extent, but they should really learn from an early age the true importance of technology in education. Technology is a major focus when discussing the ways to improve schools in the future. Because students are now becoming extremely educated when it comes to technology, school districts are now making it mandatory for teachers to be knowledgeable when it comes to technology, no mat... ...d not just be exposed to computers and the internet without some simple base knowledge. They need to understand the dangers that chat rooms, email, and â€Å"free† sites can have. Along with students, teachers and professors should be aware of what their students are accomplishing while using these various forms of technology. Not only will technology in the classrooms benefit their users in the present, but it will aide them when finding a job in the future. Technology is such and important part in education and it is only getting stronger. [1] Computer Confluence George Beekman Pg.419 [2] A Vision for Technology in Education http://www.nsba.org [3] Will Technology Really Change Education? Authors: Todd W. Kent and Robert F. McNergney 1998 http://www.ecsu.ctstateu.edu [4] http://nces.ed.gov [5] Computer Confluence Author: George Beekman Page 426 Technology in the Classroom Essay example -- Education Teaching Technology in the Classroom Almost every single occupation in today’s working world is impacted by technology in one form or another. As I have grown as a person and a student, I have noticed the obvious impacts and changes technology is taking on in education. These changes and impacts are both positive and negative to the children, young adults, and adults who are pursuing technological opportunities. In The Art of Fiction, John Gardner said, â€Å"The business of education is to give the student useful information and life-enhancing experience, one largely measurable, the other not†¦Ã¢â‚¬  One of the main reasons technologies are becoming so popular in today’s education is because it is introduced to children at any earlier age than every before. â€Å"Ninety-nine percent of all elementary and secondary schools in the United States have installed computers.†[1] Students are encouraged to research by using the internet for book reports, making banners or signs for science fairs, and typing their paper for an essay. I believe it is important for students to be introduced to this at an early age. I also believe that they get a well grounded understanding of the â€Å"important† reasons to use a computer. So many children get caught up in games, email, chat, and music because they may spend too much time on a computer. These things are okay to an extent, but they should really learn from an early age the true importance of technology in education. Technology is a major focus when discussing the ways to improve schools in the future. Because students are now becoming extremely educated when it comes to technology, school districts are now making it mandatory for teachers to be knowledgeable when it comes to technology, no mat... ...d not just be exposed to computers and the internet without some simple base knowledge. They need to understand the dangers that chat rooms, email, and â€Å"free† sites can have. Along with students, teachers and professors should be aware of what their students are accomplishing while using these various forms of technology. Not only will technology in the classrooms benefit their users in the present, but it will aide them when finding a job in the future. Technology is such and important part in education and it is only getting stronger. [1] Computer Confluence George Beekman Pg.419 [2] A Vision for Technology in Education http://www.nsba.org [3] Will Technology Really Change Education? Authors: Todd W. Kent and Robert F. McNergney 1998 http://www.ecsu.ctstateu.edu [4] http://nces.ed.gov [5] Computer Confluence Author: George Beekman Page 426

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Comparison Between Dulce Et Decorum Est & the Man He Killed

The war poetry I am going to compare was written by Wilfred Owen and Thomas Hardy. Wilfred Owen was born in Wales in 1893. He wrote poetry as a teenager and at the age of 20 he began teaching English in France as an assistance teacher. 2 years later he joined the Manchester regiment and fought in World War 1 and 3 years later in 1918 he died near the Belgian border whilst taking his men across the Sambre canal at Ors. Therefore we know his writing shows his personal experiences. rdy was born in 1840 in the south of England. He began writing in 1867. He was more famous for his novels but also wrote about the Boer war.In Dulce Et Decorum Est Wilfred Owen makes war seem horrific. When describing the soldiers, he says ‘Coughing like old hags’. From this we can see that he is implying that the young soldiers have become old and ill. Furthermore when describing the soldiers caught out without a gas mask during a gas attack, he says ‘the white eyes writhing in his face â €™. He describes the soldiers death in graphic detail as he writes that he can hear ‘the blood, come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs, obscene as cancer, bitter as the cud ’. From these two quotes we can see that the wounded are going to suffer and die.The language he has used is extremely disturbing. These injuries even caused nightmares as he says, ‘In all my dreams, before my helpless sight, he plunges at me, guttering, choking, drowning. ’ Within his poem, Owen uses many poetic devices and techniques. He makes use of alliteration, assonance, imagery, metaphors, similes, iambic pentameters, enjambment, meter, onomatopoeia, personification, 1st person, repetition, rhyme and stanzas. He makes use of alliteration when he says, ‘Knock-Kneed’ which suggests that the soldiers are crippled from their exertions.Also he uses it when saying ‘watch the white eyes writhing. ’ In this line he is trying to describe the soldiers' ey es as though they are attempting to exit their sockets. Also he practises the use of assonance. He unifies the first three lines with the words ‘sacks’, ‘hags’ and ‘backs. ’ These words imitate the coughing sound made by the soldiers. Furthermore when his Imagery uses the sense of touch when he says ‘an ecstasy of fumbling, Fitting the clumsy helmets just in time. ’ He uses sight when he says, ‘As under a green sea, I saw him drowning. He uses taste when he says, ‘Bitter as the cud. ’ Finally he uses hearing when he says, ‘If you could hear, at every jolt, the blood, come gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs. ’ Furthermore, metaphors also play a vital role in his poem. For example ‘Men marched asleep’, ‘Drunk with fatigue’. This suggests that all their senses are dulled and because of their tiredness, they are as good as dead. ‘Incurable sores on innocent tongues. à ¢â‚¬â„¢ This phrase informs us that the soldiers were innocent and were being punished for no reason. Similarly, his uses of similes are evident in every stanza.He describes soldiers ‘like old beggars’ and ‘Coughing like hags. ’ However the more graphic similes are used in stanzas 2 ; 3 where the soldier in caught in a gas attack. ‘Floundering like a man in fire or lime’ suggesting the burning effects of the gas. ‘As under a green sea, I saw him drowning’ portrays how intense the gas attack was that in encompassed the soldiers completely and how there was no escape. In the third stanza he describes the aftermath of the gas attack when he says, ‘His hanging face, like a devil's sick of sin. This brings to mind very illustrative pictures of hell and the state of its inhabitants who will be tortured for all eternity. Iambic pentameters are used on all the lines except those that he wishes to emphasise. Enjambments are used as th e lines flow into each other making it more pragmatic. He has used onomatopoeia to make a more vivid description of the vile sounds that could be heard during war. For example, ‘Guttering, choking’ and ‘gargling. ’ Also he says, ‘Gas, gas’ which imitates the hissing sound that could be heard from a gas canister.Within this poem there is only one instance in this poem wherein he uses personification and that is when he describes the remains of the bomb shells, ‘disappointed shells. ’ This poem is told in the first person for example, ‘I saw him drowning. ’ ‘In all my dreams. ’ This shows us that he is speaking from personal experience. With regards to repetition he repeats the word drowning to exemplify the gravity of the attack. Furthermore he repeats the word gas to demonstrate the instant rush and panic that the gas attack caused among the soldiers.In this poem Owen use the rhyming pattern of abab cdcd i n stanza 1. In stanza 2 he uses efef gh and in the final stanza he uses gh ijij klkl mnmn. In the first stanza he describes the atmosphere prior to the gas attack. In the second he takes us moment by Moment through the gas attack and in the final stanza he illustrates the repercussion of the gas attack. He concludes the poem by saying ‘The old Lie; Dulce et Decorum est Pro patria mori’ showing that he feels that his experiences are far from beautiful or even honourable. The man he killed was written at the time of the Boer war.This poem has some controversy with the setting in which it was written because it does not specifically refer to the Boer war but it could refer to any war. The poem was a conversation between the killer and the killed. He remarks about how much he and the victim had so much in common and how petty of a reason they had to kill each other. This poem is a very interesting piece of work. As easy as it is to read, it is in fact deeply burdened with i rony and surprisingly colloquialism. Starting with the title, he has made use of 3rd person when he says ‘man HE killed. This is fascinating because, the entire poem is written in 1st person. The ‘He’ man is the individual who is trying to rationalise his slaying of another soldier. In this poem, the soldier who is talking defines all the parallels between him and his prey. He romantically reminisces how he could have been enjoying liberties of life with the man whom he killed and he uses analogies of wetting, nipperkin to show the frankness in tone and meanings. In the 2nd stanza, the narrator intensely describes how ‘I shot at him as he at me’ and ‘killed him in his place. Also he says where him and his foe met, Ranged as infantry’. He is reasoning that he had no choice in what happened. In the 3rd stanza, he confesses as to why he killed him. However on two occasions in the stanza, he begins to hesitate. The first is when he repeats th e word, ‘because- Because he was my foe. ’ This hesitation also represents doubt. The second is where he mentions ‘my foe’ twice. This is significant because first there was the hesitation, and then there is him having to clarify his killing twice. This creates an atmosphere of even more tense and uspicion. To top it up, he makes it look as though what he did was downright typical by saying, ‘That's clear enough. ’ The ‘of course’ and ‘That's clear enough’ are palpably sarcastic. This is because nobody is enemies for no reason, despite him saying at the beginning ‘We should have set us down to wet(have a drink). ’ In stanza 4, the narrator explains the reason as to why his ‘foe’ was in the army. Again he draws comparisons between himself and his ‘foe’. He does this when he says, ‘Off-hand like–just as I–. He implies that he and ‘foe’ both never joi ned the army for patriotic reasons but they joined it because they both were ‘out of work. ’ ‘No other reason why. ’ In the final stanza, the poet tries to sum up his philosophy for killing the other man who was just like him. He confesses and says that wars are ‘strange-quaint’ and ‘curious. ’ The last line obliquely impregnates the real purpose of killing that man ‘quaint and curious war is’ showing how war breaks all the rules of civilised behaviour as in civilian life he would have probably give the man help, buy him a drink or even give him a hand out. ‘Help half a crown’

Friday, August 16, 2019


Chapter 9 1)Approximately how much water do you need each day to stay healthy? Water constitutes 50% to 70% of the human body. Its unique chemical properties enable it to dissolve substances as well as serve as medium for chemical reactions, temperature regulation and lubrication (found in the knees and other joints of the body); it also aids in regulating the acid base balance in the body. It helps remove waste from the body and is the basis for saliva, bile and amniotic fluid. It is clear that obtaining the proper daily intake of water is extremely important.For adults daily water needs are estimated at 2. 7 liters (11 cups) for adult women to 3. 7 liters (15 cups) for adult men, total water is a combination of fluids and food. For fluid alone this corresponds to at 2. 2 liters of water (9 cups) for women to 3 liters water (13 cups) for men per day. (Fluid intake does not have to be derived from water alone). Identify at least two situations that increase the need for water. ?Dehyd ration: Dehydration is triggered after the loss of water due to illness and drinking alcohol.The following are signs of the early stages of dehydration: dry mouth and lips, difficulty concentrating, dizziness, headache, elevated heart rate and fatigue. ?Thirst: If you do not drink enough water your brain lets you know by signaling thirst. Your brain communicates the need to drink. Thirst mechanism can lag behind actual water loss after a prolonged exercise and illness, as well as in older people. Children that are ill especially those with fever, diarrhea, vomiting and increased perspiration should be encouraged to take in adequate fluids.Then list three sources of water in the average person’s diet. ?Liquids: Beverages that we consume, such as water, milk, coffee, tea, soda and fruit juices. Beer and wine are also considered forms of water however – these should be consumed within healthy daily guidelines (2 for men and 1 for women). Plain water is considered by many experts to be the best source as it provides water intake without adding any calories – even though it doesn’t provide any other nutrients. ?Foods: Much of the food we consume has water.Many fruits and vegetables are more than 80% water. ?Metabolic Water: Water as a byproduct of metabolism. 2)What is the relationship with sodium and water balance, and how is that relationship monitored as well as maintained in the body? Sodium is the major positive ion found outside cells and is essential to fluid balance and nerve impulse balance. The North American diet provides abundant sodium through processed foods and table salt. Table salt is chemically known as sodium chloride, it is 40% sodium and 60% chloride.The human body absorbs almost all sodium consumed. Once absorbed it becomes the major positive ion found outside of cells in extracellular fluid and is a key factor in retaining body water. Fluid balance throughout the body depends partly on the variation of sodium and o ther ion concentrations among the water containing components in the body. Sodium ions also function in nerve impulse conduction and absorption of nutrients like glucose. Both deficiency and toxicity can occur with sodium; the greater concern lies with toxicity.Sodium deficiency is less common than excess sodium since it is so readily available in the diet; many health problems can occur when either happens. Kidneys are essential for regulating the volume and composition of bodily fluids. Water balance is achieved by ensuring that the amount of water consumed and generated by metabolism equals the amount of water excreted by the body. Consumption side is regulated by behavioral mechanisms which include thirst and salt cravings. Urine is produced not only to eliminate cellular waste products, but also to control the amount and composition of extracellular fluid.Controlling the amount of water and sodium as well as other chemicals is essential to life – our body controls this b y producing various amounts of urine so that we can conserve water and chemicals when short in supply. Too much or too little water and/or salt in our bodies is dangerous. Therefore the amount of water and salt excreted in urine and the amount of urine excreted is adjusted to meet the needs of the body. 3)Identify four factors that influence the bioavailability of minerals from food. Food supplies us with many minerals, but the way in which our bodies are able to absorb them varies.The degree to which ingested nutrient is absorbed from food sources and is available to our body is called bioavailability. The bioavailability of minerals depends on many factors. The mineral content listed in food composition table for amount of a mineral in a food is just a starting point for estimating the actual contribution the food will make to our mineral needs. For example spinach contains much calcium but only 5% can be absorbed because of the vegetables high concentration of oxalic acid, a calc ium binder. Usually 25% of calcium is absorbed by adults.Minerals from animal products are absorbed better as binders such as fiber in plant foods are not present to hinder absorption. The mineral content of plants greatly depends on mineral concentrations of the soil in which they are grown. Refined plant food has a lower content of minerals. Four factors that influence bioavailability of minerals from food are outlined below: ? Fiber -Mineral Interactions: Components of fiber, particularly phytic acid in grain fiber can limit absorption of some minerals by binding to them. Oxalic acid is another substance in plants that binds minerals and makes them less bioavailable.High-fiber diets can decrease the absorption of iron, zinc and possibly other minerals. ?Mineral-Mineral Interaction: Many mineral, such as magnesium, calcium, iron and copper are of similar sizes and the same electrical charge causes these minerals to compete with each other for absorption, and therefore they affect each other’s bioavailability. An excess of one mineral decrease the absorption and metabolism of other minerals. ?Vitamin-Mineral Interaction: Many beneficial vitamin-mineral interactions occur during nutrient absorption and metabolism.When consumed in conjunction with Vitamin C, absorption of certain forms of iron such as that in plant products improves. The active Vitamin D hormone improves calcium absorption. Many vitamins require specific minerals to act as components in their structure and functions. ?Mineral Toxicities: An excessive mineral intake, particularly of trace minerals (such as iron and copper) can have toxic results. For many trace minerals the gap between just enough and too much is quite small. Using mineral supplements should be closely monitored and should not exceed any upper level set on a term basis.The potential for toxicity is not the only reason to carefully consider the use of mineral supplements – there can also be harmful interactions with other nutrients, as well as the possibility of the supplements being contaminated. 5) In terms of total amounts in the body, calcium and phosphorous are the first and second most abundant minerals, respectively. What functions do these minerals have in common? Approximately 99% of calcium is found in the bones. In addition to its critical role in bones, it also functions in blood clotting muscle contraction, nerve-impulse transmission and cell metabolism.Calcium requires a slightly acid PH and the Vitamin D hormone for efficient absorption. Calcium deficiency is a major factor in osteoporosis. Approximately 85% of the body’s phosphorus is found in the bones – the remainder is found in the bloodstream and functions inside cells. Phosphorus is a component of enzymes, other key compounds, DNA, cell membrane and bone. The body efficiently absorbs phosphorus at about 70% of dietary intake. The high absorption rate and the availability of phosphorus in foods makes this mine ral less important than calcium in dietary planning.The active Vitamin D enhances absorption. Although there is currently no specific disease associated with inadequate phosphorus intake, a deficiency may contribute to bone loss in older women. The functions that these two minerals have in common are that they are both critical to good bone health, have a cell function of sorts, the majority of each is found in the bones, and Vitamin D enhances the absorption of both. ? Chapter 10 1)How does greater physical fitness contribute to better overall health? Explain the process. Physical fitness has many health benefits.Physical fitness refers to the ability to perform moderate to vigorous activity without undue fatigue. The benefits of regular physical activity include, less injury, better sleep habits, reduced blood pressure, increased cardiovascular function and improved blood lipid profiles, aids in weight control/loss, increases muscle mass and strength, improves GI tract peristalsis , slows aging process, reduces risk of certain cancers, improves immune function, increases flexibility and balance, reduces stress and improves self-image, improves blood glucose, and strengthens bones and joints.Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans recommends that all adults should be active to some extent – some activity is better than none. The Physical Activity Guidelines set specific time goals for adults – they are outlined below: ? For substantial health benefits, adults should do at least 150 minutes a week or moderate-intensity activity or 75 minutes of a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity. For additional health benefits, adults should increase aerobic activity to 300 minutes a week or moderate-intensity activity or 150 minutes of a week of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity or an equivalent combination of moderate and vigorous intensity aerobic activity. ?Adults should also include muscle strengthening activities that involve all major muscle groups at least two days a week. ?In order to stay with an exercise program the following are recommended: oStart slow oVary activities, make it fun oInclude friends and family Set specific and attainable goals and monitor progress oSet aside a specific time each day for exercise oReward yourself for keeping up with your goals oDon’t worry about occasional setbacks; keep focus on long-term health goals. 2)You have set a goal to increase muscle mass and decrease body fat. Plan a weekly fitness regime, specifying activity types, frequency, intensity, duration, and progression. Commitment is an important step in participating in a physical fitness program and is the first step in putting together a weekly fitness regimen.There are three main components to a good plan that will decrease body fat and increase muscle mass; aerobic, stretching/flexibility, and strength training. ?Aero bic: Aerobic exercise focuses on improving cardiorespiratory and cardiovascular health. oActivities: Walking, running, hiking, cycling, basketball, tennis, soccer, elliptical trainer, etc. o Duration: 20 to 60 minutes. oIntensity: 55% to 90% maximum heart rate or RPE of 4 or above. oFrequency: 5 days a week oProgression: Initiation Phase 3 to 6 weeks/Improvement Phase 5 to 6 months/Maintenance Phase plateau in gains in fitness. Stretching/Flexibility: Focuses on stretching muscles in an effort to maintain and increase mobility. oActivities: Yoga and stretching o Duration: 4 repetitions of 10 to 30 seconds per muscle group oFrequency: 2 to 3 days a week and during warm-up and cool down oIntensity: 5 to 10 minutes during warm-up and cool down oProgression: Start with smaller muscle groups (arms) and work toward large muscle groups (legs) ?Strength: Focuses on increasing or maintaining muscle mass through resistance exercise. oActivities: Weight lifting, Pilates, push-ups and ull-ups o Duration: 8 to 12 repetitions of 8 to 10 to different exercises oFrequency: 2 to 3 days a week oIntensity: Enough to condition major muscle groups of the upper and lower body. 3)How are carbohydrates, fat and protein used to supply energy during a 100-meter sprint, during a weight lifting session, during a 3-mile walk? Nutrients are converted to adenosine triphosphate (ATP) base on intensity and duration of any activity. Carbohydrates are the main nutrient for fueling exercise of moderate to high intensity, and fat providing energy during low intensity exercises.For example, fat is a great fuel for endurance events, but would not be good for 100-meter sprint. If exercising at a low intensity (50% of the max heart rate) you would have enough stored fat to fuel activity for hours or days as long as their sufficient oxygen to allow fat metabolism to occur. As the intensity of exercise increases, carbohydrate metabolism takes over. While it is more efficient than fat metabolism it has limited energy stores. This stored carbohydrate can fuel about two hours of moderate to high level exercise.One could continue with moderate to high intensity for longer by replenishing carbohydrate stores during exercise. If carbohydrates are not restored you will have to reduce your intensity and draw energy from fat. As exercise intensity continues to increase, carbohydrate metabolism efficiency drops and anaerobic metabolism kicks in – because the body can’t take in and distribute oxygen quickly enough to metabolism carbs or fat easily. Low amounts of protein are metabolized during all levels of exercise – slightly more in endurance exercise especially when carbohydrate fuel has been depleted.