
Wednesday, July 31, 2019

We Are Young

What percentage of new Jobs requires postsecondary education? Nearly two-thirds of Jobs require postsecondary education. 7. Are communication skills acquired by nature or by nurture? Explain. Nurture. No one is born with perfect communication skills It's something that can be perfected with effort such as effective listening skills, and the process of bettering these skills Is ongoing and can only Improve. 8. List seven trends In the workplace that affect business communicators. Be prepared to discuss how they might affect you in your true career.Flattened management hierarchy, more participatory management, increased emphasis on self-directed work groups and virtual teams, heightened global competition, Innovative communication technologies, new work environments and Focus on Information and knowledge as corporate assets.. 9. Give a brief definition of the following words: A. Encode- put message into coded form B. Channel- directs towards a particular end or object C. Decode- to co nvert from code or plain text 10. List 11 techniques for improving your listening skills. Be prepared to discuss each.Stop talking, Control your surroundings, Establish a receptive mind-set, Keep an open mind, Listen for mall points, Capitalize on lag time, Listen between the lines, Judge Ideas. Not appearances. Hold your fire, Take selective notes, Provide feedback. 1 1 . When verbal and nonverbal messages conflict, which are receivers more likely to believe? Give an Original example. Well it depends on the message being relayed. If so-in-so said something like â€Å"l found a thousand dollars on the ground† and you look at his friend who rolls his eyes and shakes his head meaning that he's lien or exaggerating I'm more like to believe that person.But this could also work both ways. I think It depends on what's being said. 12. Would your culture be classified as high- or low-context? Why? Low because Americans rely on facts, data and logic. We also value independence, Imitat ive and self-assertion. 13. What is ethnocentrism, and how can it be reduced? The belief in the superiority of one's own culture is known as ethnocentrism. This natural attitude is found in all cultures. Ethnocentrism causes us to Judge others by our own values.In these cultures, however, personal relationships must be established and nurtured before earnest talks may proceed. 14. List seven or more suggestions for enhancing comprehension when you are talking with nonnative Speakers of English. Be prepared to discuss each. Use simple English, Speak slowly and enunciate clearly, Encourage accurate feedback, Check frequently for comprehension, Observe eye messages, Accept blame, Listen without interrupting. 15. List five suggestions for Improving communication among diverse workplace audiences. Be prepared To discuss each. Understand the value I similarity.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Promote Positive Behaviour Essay

Understand how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies relate to positive behaviour support. 1.1 Explain how legislation, frameworks, codes of practice and policies related to positive behaviour support are applied to own working practice. All aspects of my job role are regulated by policies and current legislation. The mandatory training that we attend has been designed to cover all aspects of legislation such as the Children’s Act, which provides a Code of Practice to enable us provide the best possible care and support for children and young people. We also have inspections from OFSTED who ensure we are meeting, not only care standards, but also those relating to behaviour and how we encourage positive behaviour is evaluated. As a staff member I have the responsibility of recording all incidents of behaviour support and these include both positive and challenging behaviour. There are several policies and procedures in my work place relating to positive behav iour: Bullying Rewards and sanctions House rules The code of conduct forms part of a behaviour policy. It will state what is expected from staff as well as young people. It can provide guidence to staff when dealing with innappropriate behaviour presented by a child/young person. It states how to encourage positive behaviour, the importance of being fair and consistent, 1.2 Define what is meant by restrictive interventions. There are a range of different restrictive interventions. When some people think of restrictive interventions they automatically think of phyhsical interventions, however a physical intervention is not always neccessary. Sometimes you can intervene using simple techniques such as language, including body language and facial expressions, this is known as social intervention. Another is mechanical intervention, this is useful with children in their early years, using things such as high chairs and safety gates to contain the child in one place for whatever reason. Physcial intervention is a restrictive intervention that should only be use if there is clear justification for why this type of intervention is being used. Planned intervention can be used if through observation or care plans for example, you expect that a child may present challenging behaviours in certain situations, then you ensure you are already prepared for this as it may be that just having a carer sitting by their si de and placing a hand on their shoulder is all they need to sit back and think about their actions before displaying negative behaviour. The aim of a restrictive intervention is not to take away the young persons right to freedom and movement, it is to give them the opportunity to think about their actions and change their behaviour. 1.3 Explain when restrictive interventions may and may not be used. Physical intervention is a last resort and all staff avoid having to do this however if deescalating techniques such as ‘planned ignoring’, ‘hurdle help’, ‘walking away’ etc. doesn’t seem to work, then restrictive interventions have to be used when young people are displaying certain behaviours such as committing a criminal offence, causing harm to themselves or others, causing damage to property or engaging in any behaviour that is prejudicial to maintain the good order and discipline within the home. 1.4 Explain who needs to be informed of any incidents where restrictive interventions have been used. Where restrictive interventions have been used, staff must follow policies and procedures in place such as ‘recording and reporting’. Firstly staff on shift at the time of the incident must complete an incident report and inform management of the incident. The young person’s parents and social workers should be informed and if necessary other professionals involved in the young person’s life such as YOT and CAMHS (this all depends on the nature of the incident). Once the incident report is complete management will add their observations then send this to the safeguarding officer to do the same. Ofsted are always informed after any incident. If the young person or staff involved have sustained any injuries during the incident this is recorded on the incident report and on a body map as well as the accident book and RIDDOR guidelines will be followed. 1.5 Explain why the least restrictive interventions should be used when dealing with incidents of challenging behaviour. As explained before physical intervention should not be used unless it can be clearly justified why it was used, it is not always neccessary. When dealing with challenging behaviour you can use restrictive intervention such as language which may result in the young person changing their behaviour before it even leads to an incident. For example there is a young person in my care who we have observed that responds well to humour, so if he is beginning to display negative/challenging behaviour we try to make jokes with him and sometimes tickle him. This turns his mood around and prevents an incident even taking place. It is important to use the least restrictive interventions where possible as if you didnt it could lead to further dilemmas such as verbal abuse, physical abuse, damage to property etc. 1.6 Describe safeguards that must be in place if restrictive physical interventions are being used. It is important to ensure that the young people and staff are all safeguarded. Any staff that will be using physical interventions should have attended the mandatory training, risk assessments should be in place and staff should follow guidelines to ensure they have tried all possible alternatives before using physical interventions. In circumstances where physical interventions are being used, staff should assess the situation first to ensure it is safe to do so, is there enough staff? Is the environment they’re in safe and appropriate for the use of physical interventions? Staff must always disengage throughout the physical intervention to give the young person opportunity to calm and take back control. 2. Understand the context and use of proactive and reactive strategies. 2.1 Explain the difference between proactive and reactive strategies. Proactive strategies are strategies that everyone may use to deal with behavioural problems, they are strategies that are written in policies and procedures, risk assessments, care plans etc. These are guidelines that are in place to be followed when a child/young person is presenting challenging behaviour even if these strategies are not proven to work as well as others for this particular child/young person. Examples of proactive strategies are having rules and boundaries in place, this is a way of letting the child/young person know the way they should be behaving, give praise to the child/young person for good behaviour and put sanctions and consequences in place when rules are broken. Reactive strategies are the behaviour management strategies that you use at the time of an incident when a child/young person is presenting challenging behaviour. Even though there are guidelines in place for proactiv strategies that should be used, if you have observed that a child/young person responds well to something else and it diverts their attention to something positive then you may use these reactive strategies to stop the incident escalating any further. When using reactive strategies you should still follow guidelines for proactive behaviour management strategies and put consequences in place for inappropriate behaviour. 2.2 Identify the proactive and reactive strategies that are used within own work role Needs completing 2.3 Explain the importance of identifying patterns of behaviours or triggers to challenging behaviour when establishing proactive or reactive strategies to be used. With every child/young person you should be making observations of every aspect of their life. When they ‘slow time’ before going to school or refuse to attend school, is there a pattern in the days they are behaving like this? Is there a certain lesson on these days they dont like? Are their children in their classes on this day who they are having issues with? There is a reason behing every behaviour. It is important to identify patterns of behaviours and triggers so that you can predict when an incident may take place and use planned intervention to deal with these situations. Also different strategies may work for different incidents and different young people. Staff need to ensure they are making these observations, updating care plans and risk assessments and passing on information to all staff during h andovers and meetings. 2.4 Explain the importance of maintaining a person or child-centred approach when establishing proactive strategies. Each young person is different, they need to be seen as an individual. Young people should all be treat fairly and equally but not the same. Some strategies that work on one child/young person may not work on another. Strategies have to be tried and tested, they wont all work but the ones that do, should be identified and all staff bare these in mind when dealing with further incidents. A young person in my care gets really upset when plans for family contact are changed or if it doesn’t go ahead. Staff ensure they tell the young person with at least 2 members of staff present incase they need to use physical restrictive interventions. The usual type of negative behaviour in instances like this is going to their room and slamming doors etc. Due to the young person not actually causing any damage or harm to property or himself, staff use proactive strategies we have in place which in this case would be ‘backing away’ giving him time to calm, and with this particular young person we would use ‘humour’ once he is calm to keep him distracted. Another young person if he gets bored will display challenging behaviour through verbal abuse. Staff use planned intervention and always try and keep the young person busy to prevent him getting bored or agitated. If this particular young person is being verbally abusive staff use proactive strategies ‘planned ignoring’ as if staff give him attention for displaying negative behaviour, he sees this as an excuse to keep repeating this behaviour as he gets the attention he was after. When the young person is showing positive behaviour, even simple tasks like brushing his teeth and having a wash on a morning, he needs lots of praise to show him that h e gets attention when he is being compliant. 2.5 Explain the importance of reinforcing positive behaviour with individuals. Needs completing 2.6 Evaluate the impact on an individuals well-being of using reactive rather than proactive strategies. Needs completing 3. Be able to promote positive behaviour 3.1 Explain how a range of factors may be associated with challenging behaviour. Needs completing 3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of proactive strategies on mitigating challenging behaviours Needs completing 4.Be able to respond appropriately to incidents of challenging behaviour. 4.1 Identify types of challenging behaviours Needs completing 4.3 Explain the steps that are taken to maintain the dignity of and respect for an individual when responding to an incident of challenging behaviour. Needs completing 5. Be able to supports others and individuals following an incident of challenging behaviour. 5.2 Describe how an individual can be supported to reflect on an incident. How they were feeling at the time prior to and directly before the incident – Their behaviour – The consequence of their behaviour – How they were feeling after the incident – Needs completing 5.3 Explain the complex feelings that may be experienced by others involved or witnessing an incident of challenging behaviour. Needs completing 5.5 Describe the steps that should be taken to check for injuries following an incident of challenging behaviour. This should be done straight after the incident once the young person has calmed. If the young person directed their anger at a particular member of staff, then a different member of staff, preferably who the young person usually has a good relationship with should approach the child/young person to see if they are ok. Get the young person into an environment with privacy and where they feel comfortable, then have a discussion with them about if they are hurting anywhere and check them for injuries. For example if the young person was restrained during the incident see if they have any marks from where staff held them, check their back thoroughly if you recall them banging it etc. If any marks are noticed, firstly check previous body maps in place for the young person to ensure these marks haven’t already been identified and recorded. If not then record the injuries on the incident report, on the young persons body map and daily observations. If needed offer first aid to the young person or medical attention. The young person should be checked for injuries again at a later time as bruising may show the following day.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Event Handling and Web Forms Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Event Handling and Web Forms - Essay Example An event takes place whenever the user performs an action. The user’s causes an event and when the web page reacts to this event true interactivity between the web page and the user is born. The start of event handling took place when Netscape version 2 browsers were launched; this browser supported JavaScript and hence also supported events. Netscape 2 supported only a few events. Mouse over and Mouse out were two events which became famous with this browser. The Netscape 2 browser was also able to detect the submission of a form, the resetting of form and the time when the page has completed loading (Jackson, 2007). However the problem started with the advent of browser wars between Netscape and IE. Both of them created completed incompatible event models. Thus at present we have to deal with three event models – the Netscape navigator 4(NN4), Internet explorer 4 and the most recent one – W3C model. The first step to ensure cross browser compatibility is to reg ister the event handler. There are four main ways of registering the event handler – inline, traditional, W3C and Microsoft. The best method is to use the traditional method as it is completely compatible across all the browsers and will not cause any problem in any of them. After registering the event; the actual script writing takes place. ... The area where the browser computability is the least is reading out the properties of the event. In this we have to ensure that very detailed object detection is used. The first step should be check if the property exists in the browser and if it does only then should the value be read out (D Flanagan, 2011) The last thing to be decided is the event order. The code –writer has to see if he wants the event to bubble up and if that is not the desired result; the propagation of the event should be stopped. The compatibility between different models is a problem; however if we take in to account the precautions mentioned above a workaround can be easily found for all the platforms. DQ 2 Web Forms Since their inception in the early 1990’s, Web forms have become the essential interface of the transactional Web. They are a central component of e-commerce applications and are use to collect business critical information. It has also been said that Web forms are changing the pa radigm of Business workflows. Do you agree with this? Discuss this in relation of Business workflows and data collection at various points of these workflows. Any company that is engaged in e-commerce has to deal with information at three stages – ordering of a product, processing of that order and shipping the product to the customer. Different information needs to be available at these three points and also needs to be transferred from one point to another. Web forms are one of the most exciting innovations of modern times. They allow the business to interact directly with clients, prospective customers and even the employees of the organisation. With the advent of web forms business workflows of

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Life as a Police Officer Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Life as a Police Officer - Research Paper Example This essay will discuss life as a police officer. Qualifications for Police officers Police officers tackle a vast array of issues on a daily basis hence the need for specialized units within the police department. Some of the specialized areas include homicide, traffic, rape, police air wing, special emergency response teams and dog squads, among others. However, police officers are expected to respond to a wide spectrum of situations; even those outside their specialized units, especially in low crime areas as fewer police officer are employed in such areas. In order to qualify as a police officer in the US, one must fulfill a number of requirements, which are based on civil service regulations (DeLattre, p. 27). According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, a potential police officer must be a US citizen, at least 21 years of age, have a clean record (no previous convictions), possess a valid driver’s license and have a minimum high school diploma or equal educational cre dential. However, independent police departments across the country may require more than these basic prerequisites before admitting one into their police force. For instance, some require applicants to have some college education, as well as a psychological profile. For instance, the Philadelphia police department requires applicants seeking officer 1 status to have at least a college education (Willis, p. 18). In addition, in order to qualify as a police officer, one must undergo a reading test where recruits are required to have the ability to read at least ninth grade level. This test is often administered through the Nelson-Denny Reading Test. Physical fitness is of paramount importance in police officers as it is the end factor as to whether or not criminals are caught when in the field. A physical fitness test is performed to confirm that police recruits are physically fit. Here, recruits are required to run for 300 miles, do bench press-ups and sit-ups (DeLattre, p. 33). Off icer Training and actions Once all these requirements are ascertained, recruits undergo psychological evaluation by licensed state psychologists before being admitted to a police training academy where recruits undergo 12 to 14 weeks of training on effective ways of performing police duties such as using firearms, self defense techniques, apprehension techniques, risk assessment and responding to emergencies. At the police academies, recruits also receive basic education on the law. Officer training advocates for among other things, police officer safety, whether a crime is in progress or a civilian becomes a victim; officers’ safety is paramount. Officers’ safety is essential as it enables them to make rational decisions and enhances the performance of their response functions (Levitt, p. 45). When out of the training academies, police officers come to the realization that the principles they learn in academies are quite different from real life experiences in their v arious allocated departments. Different departments have different sets of policies and customs. However, the universal principles of the police force trump those of individual departments. Police officers often encounter hardships after completing their training programs in

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Employment law Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Employment law - Term Paper Example Age discrimination can be experienced by all people of all ages but mainly between the older and the younger people mostly if the legal action is implicated for the older workers suffering discrimination. (Sargeant & Lewis, 2004, 87) Ageism encompasses a combination of institutional practices, individual attitudes and relationships Ageism and age discrimination are different from each other, as ageism is application of assumed age –based group distinctiveness to an person, regardless of individual‘s actual personal character. However age discrimination refers to the rough ‘age proxies’ in personal decisions in regards to selecting, hiring, discharging, promotion, transfer, training and mandatory training (Macnicol, 2006, p.3). The Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) 1967 in the United States is applicable for all apparent groups. The Government’s consultation document identified both the direct and the indirect forms of age favoritism in employment and most obvious forms is the person’s ability to work or to be developed in relation to their age. When the US government had approved (ADEA) act it became a major issue from 1967.The act declared that the older people should be promoted on the basis of the ability than on the age, excluded the subjective age discrimin ation in employment and also facilitate the workers in solving problems arising from the impact of the age on the service (Sargeant, 2006, p.1-5). B) Describe how the changing demographic will continue to effect age discrimination claims? Age discrimination affects the employees at the later stage of their life when many people are not able to put their best effort in the performance due to disability. ADEA in 1967 has abolished the discrimination in recruitment, transfer and compensation for the people aged from 40-64.The law was further amended in 1978 when the private organization employees can work up to the age of 69 and in 1986 the law abolished the compulsory retirement for age together. According to a study in 1997, the inhabitant non-institutional populace of ages from 16 to 64 had suffered from a poor physical, mental health that lased for over 6 months and this prevented the people in carrying out a job. Two types of demographics in respect to the working-age and disability are age and race. Disability in work rises with age and the proportion of black employees in work disability exceeds the proportion of other rac e and Hispanics. (Seagal, 2002, p.385)Discrimination is also done on the basis of race and national origin hat involves the employment actions like hiring, promotion etc. Religion can also affect the work culture if the employee practices his/her religion art work. Sex discrimination is also another issue that includes hiring only male candidates or o the basis of marital status and it also includes sexual harassment among the women. (Bruce, 2005, p.21) C) Discuss whether or not an employer can consider an applicant's or employee's age when making employment decisions? On the basis if the Age Discrimination in Employment Act (ADEA) an employer is prohibited to take decisions on the basis of age. Under this legislation an employer cannot force the employees to retire after a certain age, but it can apply seniority system that should not force an older workers leave the job. The law also includes all the list of employees to take a mandatory retirement like federal judges, pilots, enf orcement officers and executives with provision of pensions. (Duekar, 2000, p.118)The act is applicable in both the private and government organization and it can be unlawful if the management fail to abide by the following rules that are: a) if the employer rejects to recruit or discharge an individual with respect to the compensation, terms and condition on the basis of the age; b)to limit or segregate any employees and deprive any employees opportunities that affect the status because of the age factor, c) to reduce the wage or salary of the workers

Friday, July 26, 2019

Individual assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Individual assignment - Essay Example In the next section, these two articles will be discussed briefly and after that, implication of the content of these two articles will be analyzed. Question 1 Article 1: Failure on gas could hit GDP by $14bn Tasker (2013) reported that Australian government is developing new gas supplies in New South Wales (NSW) but failure of this development would not only affect the wholesale price index of market in the country but also cause reduction in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by more than $14 billion in next 22 years. Although, Australian Petroleum Production and Exploration Association (APPEA) states that the country has significant amount of scope to develop its gas and petroleum reserve in the east coast but there is argument that development of coal-seam gas would negatively affect the economic growth of the country. Tasker (2013) reported that at present, NSW imports gas from other states and developing gas would definitely reduce gas price in the state. There are three pertinent is sues in this case such as 1- developing CSG assets in NSW would increase resource capability of Australian government and that would decrease wholesale price index and volatility of economy in the country (Tasker, 2013). Developing gas reserves in NSW would help the Australian government to create jobs in the area between Newcastle, Sydney and Wollongong. 2- Developing CSG assets in NSW would be matter of great interest for local oil companies in Australia. As of now, 95% of gas resources are being imported by NSW and local companies need to pay heavy amount of tax to use the imports but development of gas resources in NSW would probably increase resource availability of local Australian oil companies and due to availability of gas, gas export driven revenue for local oil companies would shot up (Tasker, 2013). 3- Developing gas sector would probably increase national competitiveness of Australia and provide opportunity to multinational oil companies to enter the gas market in NSW. However, developing gas and oil sector in NSW could decrease command of international companies over Australian companies regarding the supply of gas and crude oil. It’s expected that Australian companies would go for low cost local gas supply rather than importing it from International players and such change in supply-demand equation would decrease bargaining power of international oil companies (Tasker, 2013). Article 2: Australian businesses must grab Indonesian opportunity Durie (2013) reported that Australian government is trying to increase business transactions with Indonesia and it is quite evident from the visit of Australian Prime Minister to Indonesia in order to strengthen the business, economic and political tie-ups. At present, Indonesia is the fourth largest country in terms of population in the world and the country can be the potential doorstep for Australian companies to enter business environment ASEAN countries. Australian government is also taking help o f the leading companies such as Leighton, ANZ and Coca Cola to decide the business and trade policies that could increase ease of doing business in Indonesia. Three implications of this article can be briefed in the following manner. 1- Australian government is trying to boost up its economy and GDP growth by increasing trade transactions with Indonesia (having GDP growth over 6%) and also trying to achieve the first mover advantage for

Left side right side Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Left side right side - Essay Example I discovered that the political system was an important party of society. Because of the multi-party system, the average person on the street can fight for and protect their basic human rights. On the other hand, living under a political system where one party dominates can be tough. The people’s rights are not respected because the party controls everything. The Internet has become a vital part of the younger generation. Nowadays, corruption cases can be exposed by the Internet and sent around the world. The Internet is the gateway for the proclamation of truth. One great example is the story commonly known as â€Å"My father is Li Gang.† Li Ai is the son of Li Gang. One day, when Li Ai was driving his flash car, he crashed into a small girl and killed her. There were some people who knew what he had done. However, Li Ai said â€Å"my father is Li Gang, the head of the police. I will be fine.† I believed what he said because no one would find out about it. But, the Internet is the perfect tool to help publicize issues like this. If we did not have the Internet, would we have even found out about this story? A scarier thought is how many people get away with actions like this because they are protected by powerful people? The root of all our social problems is our political system. A one party state often contains many weak points. As I have lived in a one party state for 19 years, I really doubt if this system is the right way to go. I have spent the last two years studying in America and now really support a multi-party system. A multi-party system allows freedom of expression and considers human rights. Greater party representation means more competition, and more competition satisfies the people’s needs and wants. The people can freely choose to support the party that they think will benefit them the most. In the opposite way, a one party state can make decisions all by themselves. In

Thursday, July 25, 2019

The Onion News Network Reader Response Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Onion News Network Reader Response - Essay Example Such range of awareness has been evoked by such satirical stories highlighted like that of the Japanese tsunami relief, which was followed by serious comments from its viewers. On the other hand, satire news exposes the rot in the government as well as the shortcomings witnessed in most public offices. In the absence of such arenas, the failures and contradictions in many institutions would go unnoticed. Such has been the advocacy of such programs like The Daily Show, which highlights recent ideas and topics of issues that inform the society. Viewers who highly understand the aspect of humor in the satirical news are able to understand situations better than the way they are given in the normal news broadcasts. In this light, the shows of Colbert Report have provided useful insights to its viewers (Amarasingam 62). For example, he named a Hungarian bridge after himself in one of the shows, a silly but insightful portray of the political situation at the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Personal Epiphany Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Personal Epiphany - Essay Example Since my destination was still an hour away, I did sit back to observe the station. To my astonishment, a group of children dressed in dirty clothes rushed into the train. Before I could realize what was happening, they started to do all sort of things – begging, singing, offering to polish the travellers’ shoes, cleaning the floor and selling knickknacks. I happened to notice a very small boy who stood out from the crowd. His grimy face camouflaged cherubic features. There were four of them in the group, but all the others dispersed as soon as I met them. I guessed they went to the other compartments, probably in search of other large-hearted people scattered in the train. The lady sitting next to me was complaining about the heat and how she failed to get a ticket in First Class A/C due to the pilgrim season. She also realized that the food served in the train was not something to her taste and was about to throw it away when the boy went near her and stretched his palm to her as his pain-filled eyes implored all those in the cabin. In a reflex action, she shoved the food packet to his hands and he went out of the train and stepped to the platform in a hurry. It seemed that he was just looking for some food and forgot the need to get something more before the train moved. As the train stayed in the station for five more minutes, I couldn’t help looking outside to see what the boy was up to. I saw him settle down near a pillar and open the packet hastily. I also saw how much he needed the food, from his slim frame and the anticipatory glee writ large on his face. At the exact moment he opened the packet, I saw an older girl like him, in tatters, approaching him and before he could do anything, she snatched the packet away from him and started to run through the platform making hysterical gestures. She laughed aloud and threw the food

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Carbon, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen Cycles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Carbon, Phosphorus, and Nitrogen Cycles - Essay Example When the animals and plants die and they decompose, carbon atoms are returned back to the atmosphere, and the cycle starts again. Humans have the ability to negatively impact the carbon cycle. The most common method of doing this is by burning any type of fossil fuel, including oil, coal, and natural gas. When fossil fuels are burned, CO2 is produced and released into the atmosphere. While breathing CO2 is a normal part of the carbon cycle, when humans create more CO2 than oxygen-producing plants cannot keep up with, the cycle is thrown off (Wigley, 2000). In a similar sense, humans are also impacting the carbon cycle by cutting down plants, trees, and whole forests, further ridding ourselves of one of the aspects of the carbon cycle, as well as a vital component of oxygen production. The phosphorus cycle is a biogeochemical cycle that takes place as phosphorus moves through the lithosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere. Phosphorus is found in rocks and begins as phosphate ions. When i t rains, the phosphate ions are removed from the rocks and are distributed into the soil and water. From there, plants absorb the phosphorus compounds from the soil, then animals take up the phosphorus atoms when they eat the plants. These phosphorus atoms are also found in water, where plants can absorb the water or animals can take a drink. When phosphorus is in the water, it gradually accumulates over time into insoluble deposits (Cole, 1999), which will be released back onto land as rocks, prompting the cycle to go again. Humans can impact the phosphorus cycle by creating too much phosphorus in the environment. When humans use fertilizers or pesticides, which are heavy in phosphorus atoms, they move the phosphorus around and it becomes excess runoff. As runoff, the phosphorus can end up in large bodies of water, which can lead to eutrophication, killing animals and plants that rely on that body of water. Also, sewage treatment facilities that use lakes and rivers as dumping grou nds create phosphate pollution that can grow algae and cyanobacteria, which destroys the oxygen in the water and reduces species diversity. The nitrogen cycle is the process in which nitrogen makes its way through nature. Nitrogen is an essential element for life; humans do not use the nitrogen, but it is still vital for our bodies. When plants and animals die, they decompose and add nitrogen into the soil. Bacteria within the soil converts the nitrogen into a form of nitrogen that plants are able to use to help themselves grow (Bothe, 2007). Animals and people eat the plants, obtaining their source of nitrogen. The animals and plants decompose and return nitrogen back into the soil. The cycle then repeats itself. Humans can impact the nitrogen cycle by producing too much nitrogen. They are capable of doing this through the pollution emitted by vehicles and chemical plants, doubling the amount of annual transfer of nitrogen into biologically-available forms (Howarth, 2006), as well as by force-feeding plants nitrogen through nitrogen-containing fertilizers. Humans can also impact the nitrogen cycle by depleting the amount of nitrogen that is made accessible. This can be done by the dumping of sewage and other types of organic matter into bodies of water, which damages oxygen levels, thus damaging nitrogen supplies. References Bothe, H. (2007). Biology of the nitrogen cycle.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Creation of American Tradition Essay Example for Free

Creation of American Tradition Essay Folklore was first utilized by William Thoms, an English antiquarian in 1846, which is defined as a body of expressive culture such as music, tales, dance, oral history, legends, customs, traditions, rituals, popular beliefs, jokes and many more within a specific population comprising the traditions of the culture, group or sub-culture (Georges, 1995). Traditions are standards or principle revered and followed by people from generation to generation which come from a Latin word traditio meaning to’ hand over’ or to ‘hand down’, and is utilized in many ways in the English Language such as customs or beliefs educated by one generation to the other which is often orally, a complex movement in religion composed of church bodies or religious denominations which have common customs, history, culture like in Islam’s Sufi tradition, and lastly, or a set of practices or customs like Christmas traditions ad the likes. Tradition is also defined as a custom, or a practice that is remembered and transferred down from one generation to the other generation and is initially without the necessity for a writing system. Traditions are mostly primeval, deeply essential, and unchangeable, but it may sometimes less normal than is expected, and some traditions were forcibly made for one or another which is often to enhance a certain institution’s importance, and it is also said to be or may also be changed to go with the necessity for the day, and can become accepted as an ancient tradition’s part. Some traditions disappear while some are altered or changed to suit to what is acceptable. Tradition could be conceptualized as repetition across space as well as time (Bronner, 2002). Appropriate to the emergence of a genuine, renewable folklore, the feature of space allowed for an oral tradition that had moved across the landscape, even in one generation, rather than having persisted through many (Bronner, 2002). Rituals are a set of actions which is often thought to have a symbolic value and the routine of which is commonly prescribed by traditions or by a religion of a community by political or religious laws. Rituals may be done on specific occasions, or on regular intervals, or at the judgment of communities or individuals which may be performed by a group, a single individual, or by the whole community in places specially allocated for it such as in private or in public, or before specific persons. Rituals purpose varies and they include satisfaction of emotional or spiritual need of the practitioner, compliance with religious ideals or obligations, strengthening of social bonds, stating one’s affiliation, demonstration of submission or respect, having approval or acceptance for some event, or for the pleasure on the ritual. Rituals are of many kinds and are always a feature of all human societies, including activities that are performed for solid purposes, or even saying hi or hello or hand-shaking. Systems of myth, rituals, feast, sacred customs, games, songs, tales, exist in such profusion that volumes would be required to contain the lore of each separate tribe (Bronner, 2002). As the verbal form used for naming these rituals suggest, which could be translated as the action of the heart, these rituals aim to acquire enhancement in the perception capacities attributed to this organ in order to confront life’s challenges. The most widely distributed rituals mark basic and irreversible turning points in life common to men everywhere. Without distinction of race or creed people everywhere are born, grow maturity, and eventually die. So universally we find birth and naming rituals, rituals marking the attainment of adulthood, weddings and funerals. Here, put at its simplest, we can see the rituals oils the wheels of life as the individual moves through the human life cycle from the cradle to grave (Lewis, 2003). References Bronner, S. J. (2002). FolkNation: Folklore In the Creation of American Tradition. New York: Rowman Littlefield. Georges, R. A. , Jones, M. O. (1995). Folkloristics: An Introduction. New York: Indiana University Press. Lewis, I. M. (2003). Social Cultural Anthropology in Perspective. New York: Transactions Publishers.

The Brave Fighters of Islam Essay Example for Free

The Brave Fighters of Islam Essay â€Å"Those who were sure that they would meet their Lord said: How often has a small group vanquished a numerous group by Allah’s permission, and Allah is with the patient. † [AlBaqarah 2:249] â€Å"Every time they (Persians Turks Empires) come against you, they are defeated. Now, the Arabs have defeated you although they are the weakest of all creation. Their bodies are naked and their stomachs are hungry. They have neither gear nor weapons. Yet they still defeated you at Busra, Hawarn, Ajnadayn, Damascus, Ba’labakk Hims† said the Roman Emperor Heraclius. After a ridiculous argument with his priests and generals, Heraclius decided to gather his largest force to be assembled from all corners of his kingdom to face against the Muslims. Although there are differences in opinion regarding the size of the army ranging from 200,000-350,000! However others state that it ranged from 600,000-1,000,000! When the 40,000 Muslim force lead by Abu Ubaidah Amr ibn Al Jarrah found out about such a number, they decided to march towards the plains of Al-Yarmouk due to its strategical advantages. When the Roman army arrived there, they sent out an initial army of 60,000 Christian Arabs lead by Jabalah bin Al-Ayham. After numerous negotiations and pitiful diplomacy with the arrogant Romans, Abu Ubaidah slammed all talks saying: â€Å"There can never be peace between us until you pay either Jizyah or accept Islam! Failing that the sword will decide between us! By Allah! Were it not for the fact that we consider treachery to be an evil deed, I would have struck you down with my sword right now! †. The Sahabah discussed among themselves of how many soldiers they should send to face the 60,000. Abu Sufyan ibn Harb Saifullah Khalid bin Waleed were among the ones who were consulted. Khalid bin Waleed gave his opinion to fight them with the elite of Muslims and not the full army in order to drive fear into the hearts of the enemies. Abu Sufyan agreed and enquired how many should they send out. The Sword of Allah SWT, Khalid confidently replied â€Å"I propose 30 horsemen! Each of whom will have to face 2000 Christians! †. Confounded by such a ludacris answer, Abu Sufyan was the first to reply from the astonished crowd that it was ludicrous to send that much and proposed sending out 60 men, as the ayah in the Qur’an says: â€Å"if there are twenty patient ones of you they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a hundred of you they shall overcome a thousand of those who disbelieve, because they are a people who do not understand. † [Al-Anfal 08:65]. Abu Ubaidah agreed to Abu Sufyan’s opinion. The individuals that Khalid choose were based on â€Å"Their patience, steadfastness and the way they forge ahead in battle†. Now dear brothers and sisters, who do who think that Khalid bin Waleed choose for this monumental task? Was it just the average Abdullah like you and me? No! Wallahi, the individuals he selected are among the best of people. ] He called out for 60 Sahabah’s! He called out the veterans of Badr! He called out the Ansar! He called out the Muhajireen! He called out the scribes of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Suhrabil bin Hasanah Amr At-Tamimi! He called out Hudaifah bin Al Yaman who Raslullah (peace be upon him) trusted with the secret list of the hyprocrites! He called out the honest Ka’ab bin Malik! He called out the brother in laws of Raslullah (peace be upon him) Abdullah ibn Umar Ibn Al-Khattab Abdur Rahman ibn Abu-Bakar As-Saddique [The sons of the 1st two Caliphs of Islam]! The cousin of Raslullah (peace be upon him) AlFadl ibn Al-Abbas. He called out Dhirar ibn Al-Azwar the bare-chested warrior descried as a â€Å"devil† by the enemies and brother of the brave female companion Khawlah bint AlAzwar! He called out Yazid ibn Abu Sufyan who was one of Khalid’s best generals brother of Amir Mua’wiya ibn Abu Sufyan! He even called out the disciple of Raslullah (peace be upon him) and one of the 10 promised paradise AzZubair ibn Al-Awaam! [May Allah SWT be pleased with them all]. After choosing 60 of the â€Å"La creme de la creme (cream of the cream,) among the Muslim army. Khalid told them â€Å"You have already defeated the legions of Rome, so when you defeat these Arabs fear will descend in their hearts and they will turn in defeat†. The 60 replied in â€Å"Oh Abu Sulayman, do with us as you please! †¦Ã¢â‚¬  in the affirmative. Next morning after Fajr, The 60 bare farewell the their loved ones and marched out with the Lion of Islam, Khalid bin Waleed in the centre of the pride. The two armies met under the blazing sun. Like a true champion, Khalid shouted to the Christians: †Oh worshippers of the sallib! Oh enemies of Ar-Rahman (The Most Merciful), come to the battle and slaughter! † Jabalah and his army shrugged off the taunt due to the pitiful size of the Muslims who were at a 1000-fold disadvantage in numbers. The 60,000 Christians charged forward but the Muslims remained solid and firm. The battle was ferocious and nothing but the roars of battle-cry could be heard. Both armies fought with the clashing of bone and sinew, No one whether it be Roman or Muslim thought that the 60 would survive. The onlooking Muslim army looked anxiously at their brethren and wept with sadness, some even said â€Å"Khalid has deceived and destroyed the Sahabah of Rasullah (peace be upon him)†. On the other side the Romans were content as they were convinced that they had won. The battle continued with the Sahabah fighting with full vigour, zeal, honor, strength, determination courage. Shining knights Khalid, Az-Zubair, Abdurahman ibn AbuBakar, Abdullah ibn Umar, Al-Fadl and Dhirar fought side by side, shoulder to shoulder, sword to sword heart to heart in the intense flames of war whilst never separating. As Allah SWT says the in Qur’an: †Surely Allah loves those who fight in His way in ranks as if they were a firm and compact wall. † [Surah As-Saff 61:4]. Kh alid then cried out to rally the Muslims at a certain point whilst he himself penetrated to the centre of the enemies and was surrounded. Al-Fadl bin Abbas rushed to aid alongside the brave Az-Zubair, shouting â€Å"Leave our friends alone. That is Az-Zubair ibn Al-Awwam and I am AlFadl ibn Abbas, the cousin of Rasulallah (peace be upon him)†. The Muslims then launched a great counter strike against the Romans and fought until Maghrib time! Now the onlooking Muslim army was really worried, especially Abu Ubaidah who anxiously said â€Å"O companions of the Prophet (peace be upon him), Khalid and his men have doubtlessly been destroyed† and got them ready for battle. But suddenly as the smoke cleared and the dust settled. The thunderous roar of â€Å"Laillah illalah Wallahu Akbar† was heard. Each sahabah shouting the Islamic testimony â€Å"I bear witness that there is no deity except Allah alone, He has no partner, and Muhammad is His Slave and Messenger! †. Khalid bin Waleed emerged from the midst of the turmoil with clear signs of fatigue and exhaustion. The army of 60,000 was humiliated by a crushing defeat by 60 heroes, 10 of whom were blessed with martyrdom and 5 of them captured.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay

Ensure The Intended Audience Receive Right Message Media Essay Human beings are the social animals live with others. From the moment we are born until the last moment of our life, our whole life is a process of socialization. We are living with other people in the various kind of things related. Personal chat with the neighbors, teaching someone or learning something forms others, showing the opinions to others so on. All those kind of activities are communication. So, all the human societies involve the communication and the communication takes an important place in the human societies. What is communication? The communication can be defined as a processing of transferring the information by several methods between the sender and receiver. How is the communication made and how do the people ensure the audiences have received the right massage in their communication? Lets discuss about the communication process and the right ways of communication. 2.0 Communication process The purpose of communication is getting the right message across to others clearly. The communication only can succeed when the both parties (the sender and the receiver) understand the same information as a result of the communication. So, how can we make effective communication? A Communication Process is usually used when a sender wishes to communicate formally within an organization. By using the Communication Process, the sender could be ensured that there are no miscommunications to be occurred. Figure à «Ã‚ Ã¢â‚¬Å¾Ãƒ ­Ã¢â‚¬ËœÃ…“.jpg In the figure 1, the sender is the encoder, the message is verbal massage or written message, the channel is one of the medium which to transmit the message, the receiver is the decoder, feedback is a response of the message, and the noise is any kind of interruption which can disturb the communication. And each of the essential elements is playing the important role in making the effective communication. Sender (encoder): A sender is the one who initiate the communication. Anyone who starts the conversation can be a sender. An effective communication is depending on the senders communication skill, level of his knowledge, attitude or how much the sender desires to affect the receiver. The person who uses the appropriate words, sentences, gestures, tone and so on might be a good communicator. The sender has to be well prepared the knowledge for the particular topic before he starts conversation. Also, the sender has to respect the person whom he communicates. Encoding: Encoding is formulating the message. That is not only translating the senders mind (ideas, thinking, information, opinion or etc) into a message but also deciding what kind of medium to use for the communication. Speaking, writing, gesturing, signaling etc can be a kind of encoding. Before, the sender choose the medium, he has to think about the receivers abilities of understanding. For example, if there are an illiterate receiver and the sender sends the written message to him, the receiver will fail to understand the message but the receiver can understand if the sender talks to him orally. The purpose of communication is the sender want to influence the receiver and get the responses. So, how the sender encode the message is the most important in the communication. Channel: A channel is the medium for carrying the message from the sender to the receiver. There are many types of channel for the communication. The channel can be verbal (voice), non verbal (written words), or mass media (television, radio, newspaper, magazine, book and etc). Choosing the right channel is very important to make the receiver to understand the message clearly. Especially for the marketing of the organization, choosing the right channel is very important because it can affect the accomplishment of the project directly. Decoding: Decoding is the interpretation of the message by the receiver. Reading of the written message, listening and understanding of verbal message, and watching the media (television, or film) can be a decoding. The receiver also has to try to understand the meaning of the message form sender. Then can make a effective communication. Feedback: the feedback is the response of the receiver to the senders message. The feedback provides the opportunities of improving the conversation and more effective. It is also giving the chance of evaluating mistakes or right things in the particular conversation. And it helps to regulate the conversation between the sender and the receiver. Noise: The noise is interruptions in communication. It interrupts the communication process and to make the communication ineffective. The Environment is one of the major causes of noises. Anything interrupts the communication can be a noise. For example, the television or radio sound, noise of the children, noise of roadside, bad condition of phone line etc. All those kind of thing can be a noise of communication. Therefore for effective communication, it is necessary to reduce the noise as possible as they can. 3.0 The ways to ensure the intended audience to receive right message The communication skill is attached great important to all the people in these days. The good communication skill helps the people to avoid misunderstanding and argument. It also can help someone to get opportunities in certain circumstances. In the communication, not all the audiences understand the senders message clearly. So, how can sender ensure that the intended audience has received the right message? There are some skills the sender should consider for his communication. Control the voice(volume, tone, and the speed) It is the well known fact that the audiences usually understand the speakers message from the other things a lot more than actual words he uses. Especially, the speakers voice affect the audience understands so much. If the speaker speaks too fast, the audience cannot catch up what the speaker wants to say and if the speaker speaks too slowly, the audience might lose their concentration and cannot receive right message. As same meaning, the speaker needs to control and change his volume, tone and the speed to attract the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Using suitable word and pronunciation To ensure the audience has received the right message, the speaker must use the suitable word. The word cannot be very difficult or too easy to lose the audiences interest. Also, the speakers pronunciation is very important in verbal communication to make the audience to understand .If the speaker speaks the dialect or mispronounces the audience is hard to understand the message. Therefore, the speaker should use the standard language. Using some body language As it mentioned above, the audience more understand the message not from the speakers word. If the speaker uses some body language during the conversation, it will help the audience to understand the meaning of the message. But the speaker needs to be careful to use some body languages because some of the body language has different meaning in different cultures. Reducing the noise Any kind of noises in the communication interrupt the audience to concentrate in the conversation. Only reducing the noises, the speaker can make more effective communication. Sometimes reducing the noise is difficult because some of the noise we cannot control. Well preparation Before the communication, the speaker should prepare himself fist. He should know what the purpose of communication is, and how he is going to talk to the audiences. He also should prepare structure of message and it will help him not to talk about out of point. With well-prepared message, the speaker can get more confident to talk. An d the smooth presenting helps the audience to understand the speakers message clearly. Analyzing the audience before the communication There is a phrase in Korea If you know your enemy and yourself, you can win every battle. As this phrase if the speaker knows about the audiences, he can attract the audience better and make them to concentrate on the conversation. For example, different types of people have different knowledge level, if the speaker knows the audiences knowledge or education level, he might choose right word to present the message and it will help the audiences to receive right message form speaker. Right time, Right place Although the speaker has very great communication skill, if he chooses wrong time or wrong place, the audiences cannot receive the right message. Speech during the lunch time, the audiences cannot concentrate on the speech. Also if the speaker talks in very noise place, the audiences cannot hear what the speaker wants to say. Asking the question to the audiences To ensure the audiences understand the message, the speaker can ask the questions to the audiences during the speech. The speaker can know whether the audiences understand or receive the right message or not immediately. At the same time by asking the question, the speaker can get back the audiences attention too. Controlling the speech time Long speech time can make the audiences to lose their concentration. The speaker might give the audiences short break. It will help the audiences to refresh themselves and they can pay attention in the speech. Using auditory visual effect People decode the message by not only hearing but also seeing, feeling etc. Using the auditory visual effects, the speaker can stimulate the audiences decode abilities. And it will help the audiences to understand the message easier. Providing hand-out If the speaker provides the hand-out to the audiences, it also helps the audience to get right message because the audiences can refer the important point although they miss during the speech. Emphasizing the important point When the speaker speeches, he should emphasize the important point. At the important point, he might speak louder or repeat the point two or three times to let the audiences to know that is the main point of the speech. Especially before the speaker ends the speech, summarize the main point to make sure that the audiences get the right message. Dress code Before the speech starts, the audiences judge the message from the speakers dress code even though it is not related to the message. The speaker should attract the audiences with his dress code, he might be able to attract with the message too. If the speaker shows his neat and tidy visual, the audiences will open their heart to listen to the speech. Using positive words All the people like to listen to the positive words rather than the negative words. So, the speaker might attract the audiences with the positive words to make them to concentrate in the speech. 4.0 Conclusion (Q2) As a person who lives in this world, every day, every hour, even every minutes, we need to communicate with others in different ways. A man plays the different role in different situation. He might be a presenter, a writer, or an audience too. In the communication, the most important part is not only sender but also a receiver. If the both parties do not play their role well it cannot be an effective communication. The sender has to send the message clearly and choose right medium, right time and right place. The audience has to concentrate on the senders message. People cannot live without communication. Therefore they should learn communication skill to avoid any miscommunication. 5.0 Introduction Q2 The well-built communication is one of the competitiveness of the organization. It helps to motivate the employees by sharing the mission and vision for achieving firms goals. Especially how well the firm communicates with consumers affects the firms brand image and revenue. The most common communication medium is an advertisement. And choosing the right medium for the advertisement helps to make impressive communication to the target audiences. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is going to introduce the new menu called Bibimbab. Bibimbab is a popular Korean traditional dish. The word literally means Mixed rice. Namul(seasoned vegetables), sliced meat(usually beef), fried egg with Korean traditional chili pepper paste are served on top of the warm white rice. Now the product manager of The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd is looking for the methods, the mediums and the vehicles to use for the communication with target audience. Lets look at their advertisement project. 6.0 Advertising Mediums The advertising medium can described as the method which brings out or carries the advertisers message to the audiences. And the advertising medium makes the connection between the firm which manufactures the products or offers the services and the consumers who are interesting in the products. The media is commonly described as channels of mass communication such as television, radio, newspaper, magazine and so on. The advertising media can be classified major three part; print, electronic, and moving. Print media: The term print media is any printed medium which are commercially published. For example, newspapers, magazine, flyer, brochure and bill-board are kinds of print media. It is the most easy and effective way of spreading the information to the masses. However, the advertisement through the print media has short shelf life because the most of print media advertisement are read once and discarded. Also increasing the popularity internet becomes one of disadvantages of print media advertisement because a lot of people prefer to read online version rather than reading printed version. Electronic media: The electronic media is the medium which uses the electronic energy to access the content for the audience. For example, television, radio, cinema, electronic bill-board are kinds of electronic media. It is the easiest the way to reach the large number of the audiences in a short period of time. And it provides more creativeness for the advertising. However it has some disadvantages. It is limited communication because the length of exposes is limited. Normally the most of advertisements through electronic media are allowed to be exposed around thirty seconds only. Transit media: The transit media is also called as out-door media. The transit media is the medium which uses the vehicles to a platform of advertising. For example, bus, train, monorail are kinds of moving media. It is important to reach audiences of all the ages. It is an advertisement which following the consumer. So, no matter the audiences wants or not he can see the advertising. This point can help to maximise the advertisement effect. On the other hand, there are some disadvantages. Transit media advertisements are easy to damage compare with other mediums because the advertisement is exposed in open environment. Also, it is not appropriate to show all the detailed services of the products. 7.0 Bibimbab advertisement in The Star newspaper Advertising in newspaper has many advantages to the small business owner. It takes lower cost but high effectiveness. 7.1 The advantages of newspaper advertisement are as follow: Cost effective advertisement Through newspaper advertisement, the firm can enjoy lower cost but high effectiveness. The cost of newspaper advertisement is cheaper compare with other mediums such as television, radio, bill-board advertisement. Also it does not need to spend much budget for the high technology artwork. Because the newspapers print quality is not very good. So, simple artwork also should not be a problem for the newspaper advertisement. The newspapers are distributed in large areas. The firm can advertises the product in locally target area through the newspaper distribution. It also helps to save the cost for the firm. Large variety of advertisement size In newspaper advertisement, there are more choices for the size. Depend on the firms budget, purpose, or design, the firm can choose different sizes in different pages. The firm also can choose black and white advertisement or full color advertisement. Physical advertisement The newspaper advertisement is printed advertisement. So it can contain more details such as price list, company details, coupon etc. other medias are hard to contain detail information especially electronic media because it is not physical advertisement so, it is hard to show the detail information. However, the newspaper advertisement can contain more detail information. 7.2 Bibimbab advertisement bibimaba-16.jpg This is very simple Bibimbab advertisement. The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd made this advertisement in The Star newspaper. Because according to Audit Bureau of Circulations, as an English language newspaper, The Star has largest daily circulation in Malaysia. Especially in Kuala Lumpur area, The Star newspaper is No.1distributed English language newspaper. This fact helps The Taste of Korea Snd Bhd to reach the target audiences effectively. The main point in this advertisement is the colourful ingredients of Bibimbab. The Main ingredients of Bibimbab are vegetables and the different colours of vegetable makes the harmonies on the Bibimbab. And the colourful dish can attract the consumer in their first sight. The bowl which contains the Bibimbab is a brass bowl and it shows the Korean traditional custom. The brass bowl was commonly used in the every family for keep the food warm and fresh. The brass bowl is most suitable for Bibimbab as a public dish. The garish back ground colour is enough to emphasise the Bibimbab. Next to the Bibimbab dish, there are a set of spoon and chopstick. It shows Korean traditional food culture as well. Under the Bibimbab picture, there is wording How about BIBIMBAB for lunch today? Bibimbab might be not very familiar name to many people. To write Bibimbab in capital letter and make the font size bigger than others, let the audiences to recognize that this advertisement talks about Bibimbab. And as a word for lunch, the consumer might able to know Bibimbab is a kind of dishes. Asking the readers How about Bibimbab for lunch today? makes the readers more curious about Bibimbab. Every lunch time, people think what to have for lunch today. And the people who see this advertisement might think that what is Bibimbab? Is it delicious? Lets try it for lunch today. At the top of the advertisement, there is a simple explanation of Bibimbab. To use small font to show it is extra explanation only. And at the right bottom there are company details which are company name, telephone number, and the address. If the readers want to get more information, they can make a call to ask directly. All the wordings in this advertisement are white because the background colour is dark gray. So if the wording is dark colour the reader cannot read. If the wordings are too colourful, it interrupts the focus on the colourful Bibimbab picture. White letters can make the harmony with the Bibimbab picture and the background. 8.0 Conclusion In mass communication anyone can be a receiver. Person who watch television, person who read the newspaper or magazine, even the person who waiting for the bus at bus station etc all of them can be a receiver because the mass communication is usually in one way. And it has many kinds of mediums to reach the target audiences. There are three mediums which are commonly used print media, electronic media and transit media. Each media has their own advantages and disadvantages. To analyse communication mediums helps the firm to reach the target consumers at right time, right place, and right methods. The most important thing in mass communication is it must be able to deliver the right message of sender to the audiences very clearly and persuade them. Therefore, when the firm makes the advertisement, it has to consider the use of all the elements of advertisement such as wording font size, theme font, colour, picture, size, background and even structures of it. All those simple elements can affect the success rate of advertisement.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Canterbury Tales :: essays research papers

The Canterbury Tales is a collection of accounts about a journey pilgrims made to and from the Canterbury Cathedral, composed by British writer Geoffrey Chaucer in the late 1300’s. â€Å"Chaucer greatly increased the prestige of English as a literary language and extended the range of its poetic vocabulary and meters† (Encarta 1). In the tales, the host offers a contest to the pilgrims which requires them to tell four stories during their trip . Chaucer ingeniously integrates the episodes with one another and also resplendently describes the personality, behavior, and general way of life of a variety of aspects of society in the Medieval Ages. The Canterbury Tales consists of twenty-four tales, two of which are unfinished. One of these unfinished accounts is the Tale of Sir Thopas. The Tale of Sir Thopas begins with the narrator describing a fair and gallant knight who is from the far country of Flanders. It continues on characterizing this knight, Sir Thopas, as a handsome man who was skilled at hunting, horse riding, wrestling, and archery. All of the woman of the land longed for him, but Sir Thopas forsake all of them. Then one day, riding through the forest, the knight hears beautiful birds singing songs of love. Upon hearing this, Sir Thopas hurries to ride away because his heart is sore as there is no woman in the world to his make.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The knight then recalls a dream he had where his darling would be an elf-queen. He continued riding until he found a secret place called the Land of Faery. There he met a great giant whose name was Sir Oliphant. The giant threatened Sir Thopas to leave the land where the Queen of Faery resides or he would be killed. After hearing this Sir Thopas answered that when he has his armor both of them would fight to the death. This scene is an example of how Chaucer â€Å" Gives the Tale of Sir Thopas a hilarious send-up as opposed to other more serious tales that indirectly disparage English literature† (Payne 33).   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Sir Thopas returned to his kingdom where he prepared himself for his battle against the giant. His merry men cheered him with tales of old romances, they brought him sweet wine, a royal spicery of ginger bread, and fine linen to cover himself. Then he dressed himself in ornate armor. He had a spear of fine cypress wood, a saddle of rewel bone, and a shield of solid gold.

Friday, July 19, 2019

The Emancipation Proclamation :: American America History

The Emancipation Proclamation The Emancipation Proclamation led to the end of slavery, and is one of the most controversial documents in American history. Human slavery was the focus of political conflict in the United States from the 1830s to the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861. Abraham Lincoln, the Republican candidate for presidency in 1860, personally abhorred slavery and was pledged to prevent it from spreading to western territories. At the same time he believed that the Constitution did not allow federal government to prohibit slavery in states where it already existed. The election of Lincoln led to the secession of eleven slave-holding states and the beginning of the civil war. The states feared Lincoln would restrict their right to do as they chose about the question of black and white, so they went about creating the Confederate South. Four slave-holding states remained in the Union however; Missouri, Kentucky, Maryland and Delaware. During the first part of the war, abolitionists and some military leaders urged Lincoln to issue a proclamation freeing the slaves. They argued that such a policy would benefit the North because slaves were contributing greatly to the Confederate war effort. By doing most of the South's farming and factory work, slaves made whites available for the Confederate army. But still Lincoln feared that him freeing the slaves would divide the North, he believed that the four slave-holding states would secede if he adopted such a policy, and he saw them as vital to the survival of the Union By 1862 large numbers of slaves were escaping and seeking refuge with Union armies. Lincoln recognized that the extraordinary pressure of the war was gradually destroying the institution of slavery, even without legal emancipation. In July 1862 Lincoln read a draft of the Emancipation Proclamation to his cabinet. One of his ministers suggested that the President wait to issue it until after the Union victory, so that it would not sound like the last desperate act of a loosing government. Lincoln agreed and waited for his generals to win the war. The battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, was the bloodiest single day of the war. Robert E. Lee's Confederate army retreated after the battle, allowing Union general George B. McClellan to claim victory. Five days later, on September 22, 1862, Lincoln issued the preliminary Emancipation Proclamation. It stated that if the rebelling states did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863, he would declare their slaves to be "forever free".

Dead Man Walking :: essays research papers

During the first few weeks of our FYS-X class, the students are required to view the movie â€Å"Dead Man Walking. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to the showing at school, but I rented the DVD from Block Buster Video. I missed an opportunity to gain some bonding time with my classmates, but I could not get off work in the short notice that the class was told about the film viewing. When I viewed film, I had the pleasure of being in my home atmosphere, and I had the opportunity to better concentrate on the movie and the ability to rewind at certain points in the film. Before viewing the film, I was not too excited about having to watch it. I was under the impression that this movie would be boring and more of an educational video. After I watched the movie, I knew that my prediction about it was very inaccurate. â€Å"Dead Man Walking† is one of the finest films I have ever seen, and it has raised my bar of standards for a drama.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The thing that stands out the most about â€Å"Dead Man Walking† is the story. The film is about the death penalty, and the tragic events that lead to it. The story follows Poncelot, a convicted killer, and Helen, a nun, who meet during Poncelot’s death row period, and they both change each other. Poncelot is accused of killing a young couple, and is placed on death row. He writes to Sister Helen, who agrees to come to the prison and visit him. Poncelot immediately says he did not commit the crime, and Helen believes the prisoner. Helen gets Poncelot an attorney, but the attorney fails and Poncelot is sure to be executed by the government. The film does not state a clear bias for the death penalty, but it gives the viewer the chance to decide if capital punishment is right or wrong. At the beginning of the film, the viewer is lead to believe that maybe Poncelot did not actually commit the crime, so someone might believe that his execution would be un fair. During the course of the film, the viewer sees the affects of the victim’s family and the community reactions, and whoever is watching probably feels that whoever actually committed the crime should definitely be punished as harshly as possible. When Poncelot tells Helen that he did indeed commit the crime, the viewer’s feelings about him receiving the death penalty probably change again, but there is so much emotion going on in the scene that one can not help but feel sorry. Dead Man Walking :: essays research papers During the first few weeks of our FYS-X class, the students are required to view the movie â€Å"Dead Man Walking. Unfortunately, I was not able to make it to the showing at school, but I rented the DVD from Block Buster Video. I missed an opportunity to gain some bonding time with my classmates, but I could not get off work in the short notice that the class was told about the film viewing. When I viewed film, I had the pleasure of being in my home atmosphere, and I had the opportunity to better concentrate on the movie and the ability to rewind at certain points in the film. Before viewing the film, I was not too excited about having to watch it. I was under the impression that this movie would be boring and more of an educational video. After I watched the movie, I knew that my prediction about it was very inaccurate. â€Å"Dead Man Walking† is one of the finest films I have ever seen, and it has raised my bar of standards for a drama.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The thing that stands out the most about â€Å"Dead Man Walking† is the story. The film is about the death penalty, and the tragic events that lead to it. The story follows Poncelot, a convicted killer, and Helen, a nun, who meet during Poncelot’s death row period, and they both change each other. Poncelot is accused of killing a young couple, and is placed on death row. He writes to Sister Helen, who agrees to come to the prison and visit him. Poncelot immediately says he did not commit the crime, and Helen believes the prisoner. Helen gets Poncelot an attorney, but the attorney fails and Poncelot is sure to be executed by the government. The film does not state a clear bias for the death penalty, but it gives the viewer the chance to decide if capital punishment is right or wrong. At the beginning of the film, the viewer is lead to believe that maybe Poncelot did not actually commit the crime, so someone might believe that his execution would be un fair. During the course of the film, the viewer sees the affects of the victim’s family and the community reactions, and whoever is watching probably feels that whoever actually committed the crime should definitely be punished as harshly as possible. When Poncelot tells Helen that he did indeed commit the crime, the viewer’s feelings about him receiving the death penalty probably change again, but there is so much emotion going on in the scene that one can not help but feel sorry.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Surrogates the Movie

Surrogates: â€Å"Look at yourselves, unplug from your chairs, get up, and look in the mirror what you see is how God made you we’re not meant to experience life through a machine. † This seems to be the moral of this movie in the year 2017 and takes place in Boston, MA. Bruce Willis plays an FBI detective named Tom Greer working on a very mysterious murder of a young man who is the son of a prominent inventor. A news style montage opens the movie and provides you with the fundamental basis for the movie. The viewer learns that the technology of Surrogates took 14 years to develop into the everyday application as it would be depicted in the film. The surrogate project started as a way to help the disabled experience life in a way that would not be possible and soon was taken over by military application to use these surrogates and warriors in the battlefield to preserve human life. It was the Military application that set up mass production of surrogates and this made surrogates affordable to the average consumer. Near the end of the 14 year montage it is established that 98% of the entire world has a surrogate and is using them for their everyday life so the user can remain at home in safety and never needs to risk the danger or inconvenience of leaving home. There is a group of people however that are in strict opposition to the new surrogate way of life. This group is called the Human Coalition and they live in Dread Reservations which are located within major cities all over the world. These reservations are considered surrogate free zones and are completely sovereign. This group of people does not tolerate any type of surrogate technology and preach the experience of the human condition as the truth. This seems to be a cut and dry good vs. vil movie at first and the two sides clearly established but as the movie moves along the lines become blurred and the twists are pronounced. Tom Greer and his partner are called to the scene of a seemingly normal vehicle accident late in the evening only to discover fairly quickly that this is not just an accident scene it’s a murder. While at the scene of the accident only surrogates are present and it is assumed the operators of the surrogates remain at their homes unharmed, but after furt her investigation by Tom the operators are dead in their operator chairs. Highly unusual because there haven’t been any murders in Boston for so long the Agents do not remember the last one. And this starts the investigation into the would be conspiracy that is the plot of the movie. The inventor of surrogates is a man named Dr. Lionel Canter, who was the target of the murder but instead of killing him the murder a Human Coalition member Miles Strickland killed his son who was borrowing his father’s surrogate. Tom is convinced that the Human Coalition is responsible for the murder and takes his surrogate into the sovereign territory in Boston where his surrogate is destroyed. Tom is now forced to abandon the surrogate and continue the investigation in the flesh. This is a shocking experience for him but eventually causes him to remember the human condition and experience. No matter the difficulty he experiences as a result of the sensory overload he continues the investigation. Next Tom discovers that the military had developed the weapon that would overload many surrogates with a single shot but an accidental byproduct of this weapon was that it actually killed the operator. The Military officials ordered that all if the weapons be destroyed and somehow one slipped through the cracks and was not destroyed and fell into the hands of manufacturer of the surrogates. The manufacturer VCI is proclaimed as one of the largest companies in the world and is a very powerful corporation. It was originally founded by Dr. Canter but due to differences in philosophy he was removed as President of the company but remained a beneficiary of the profits from the sale of surrogates. The excitement builds as Tom pursues the investigation and gets closer to figuring out the conspiracy. So far he has learned that a Human Coalition member murdered the son of a Dr Canter and that the target was actually Dr Canter himself but because his son used a surrogate belonging to Dr Canter the murderer thought that he was killing him but accidentally killed his son. The military in cooperation with VCI developed a weapon that would overload surrogates and shut them down in an effort to quickly win battles without casualties. A major problem was discovered with the weapon during its initial tests and it had unintentionally killed the operators of the surrogates. The weapon was ordered to be destroyed and of the 5 that were created only 4 were actually destroyed and one remained. The military did not know who had the remaining weapon but an assumption must be made that VCI had the weapon and somehow it had fallen in to the hands of the Human Coalition who were bent on the murder of Dr Canter for creating this new society that is an abomination. Tom reveals to the military that when he was in the Human Coalitions Boston reservation he knew the weapon was there and in the hands of their leader Zaire Powell. His attempt to convince the world that the surrogates are evil seems to be failing up to now. He now has the power to shut down every single surrogate all over the world but this action would result in the death of billions of people. The Military tells Tom to stand down and that they would take over the recovery of the weapon. Tom is drawn back in when his partner is killed and her surrogate is being used to gain access to the FBI surrogate control center. He discovers that Zaire Powell is actually a surrogate being controlled by Dr. Canter. This discovery takes Tom to Dr Canters home that is protected by surrogate guards that he must take down to reach Dr Canter in time. Canter had taken control of his partners surrogate and was in the headquarters of the FBI where he can access every surrogate at one time and use the weapon to download the overload virus killing every operator connected to their surrogate. When Tom reaches Dr Canter has already begun downloading the virus. Tom confronts Dr Canter and tries to convince him that killing this many people is not the way to accomplish his goal but it’s too late and in order to prevent Tom from stopping him Dr Canter takes a cyanide pill killing himself. Tom has no choice but to take over the surrogate of his partner and try to stop the virus from taking hold and killing billions of people. With the help of the programmer at the FBI surrogate control center he is able to isolate the operators from the virus. He then has to stop the isolate the surrogates themselves from the virus but in a last minute decision decides to allow the virus to shut down all the surrogates. He had saved the lives of many people but after having experiencing the human condition again decided that everyone should have that same experience again. This movie is full of twists and changes that are hard to follow. Overall, I don’t find this movie to be a great movie. The concepts could have been developed better and the twists should have been made with more information. The twists came without warning which is good for a twist but there was no information used to explain the twists in a way that would make it believable. I have learned that this movie was first a book and it is common that the themes in a book are not completely developed when it is turned in to a movie, however the concepts could have been portrayed and explained better. I did enjoy the idea of unplugging sometimes and to experience life outside of our home and disconnect from the internet and television. There are experiences our modern technology allows us to not have and in some cases this is not always a good thing. As a child I took a vacation to Yellowstone National Park and my children have not been able to experience this yet except for on the internet. They are not excited about making this trip because they believe they have experienced this park on the internet but as many adults know it is just not the same. I am concerned that as our children develop with more access to technology they will lose touch with the human experience so any movie, book, music, or other medium that express or shows the importance of the actual physical human experience is a great thing. I would recommend this movie to anyone for this purpose and I might also suggest that in order to fully understand this movie itself that it be watched two or three times. Watch it, enjoy it but most of all experience it.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Investigatory Project in Biology

ANTIMICROBIAL ACTIVITY OF chile pepper pepper con carne (CAPSICUM ANNUM) EXTRACT An Investigatory Research Presented to Mrs. Presented by CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Background of the work . peppercorn annuum is a domestic species of the establish genus Capsicum native to southern northwestwardern the States and northern South America. jalapeno has been a diverge of the gentlemans gentleman forage in the Americas since at least 7500 BC. thither is archaeological evidence at sites regain in southwestern Ecuador that chili pepper peppers were domesticated more than 6000 years ago and is wiz of the first gracious crops in the commutation and South Americas that is self-pollinating.The coif is a perennial, b arly usu e trulyy grown as an unmatchable-year, with a densely branched tooth root. The plant reaches 0. 51. 5 m (2060 in). The species is a source of popular sweet peppers and animated chili fruit, and numerous varieties ar cultivated most the world. Despite be ing a wiz species, Capsicum annuum has many cultivars, with a manakin of names. In Ameri ass position it is honey oilly bonkn as a chili pepper or ships bell pepper. Hot peppers are apply in medical specialty as well as food for thought in Africa.It is utilise in medicine, in combination with C inona in in borderittent and lethargic affections, and as well in atonic gout, dyspepsia accompanied by flatulence, tympanitis, paralysis etc. Its most invaluable application appears however to be in cynanche maligna and scarlatina maligna, apply both as a gargle or administered intern on the wholey. In this look, germicide activity of chili bequeath be studied. Certain bacteria and fungal species bequeath be the focus of the experiment. bacterium such as Staphylococcus aureus and fungus kingdom like T reconditeophyton rubrum Statement of the ProblemThe principal(prenominal) problem of this study is to determine the antimicrobic activity of chili (Capsicum annum) perp etrate. This study similarly intends to answer the following. 1. The authorization of the chili excerpt as an disinfectant. 2. The response of the bacterium species to the chili extract. 3. The response of the fungal species to the chili extract. moment of the Study This study would add friendship in the field of erudition. This would also be a help in encourage studies about plants as antimicrobial. Science students and science teachers sack up use this as a source for future research with regards to this study.The common would directly benefited by this study. Infections of bacteria and kingdom Fungi to humans such as pimples, suspensors foot, skin infection and profligacy get out be aided naturally. Since chili is cheap and highly available, people can easily get and make antimicrobial extract from chili. Moreover, this study whitethorn as well be use by future researchers as a resource material. Scope and Limitation of the Study This research would make use extra ct from chili as antimicrobial. Other natural extracts from separate plants are excluded. antimicrobial activity take ons bacteria and fungal species.Bacteria species consist of Staphylococcus aureus speckle fungal species consist of Trichophyton rubrum. dealing with microorganisms might be exposed for contamination. uninspired technique should be observed. Over 2 plates of microorganisms impart be prepared and a many laboratory works leave be done. This might lessen the effectiveness of the research data and result referable to human cause. Thats why human patience and strength should be employed to avoid incorrect result. CHAPTER II check OF RELATED LITERATURE Capsicum Annuum as defineCapsicum annuum is a domesticated species of the plant genus Capsicum native to southern North America and northern South America. The three species C. annuum, C. frutescens and C. chinense all evolved from a single common origin located nighwhere in the northwest Brazil Columbia area. hi s species is the most common and extensively cultivated of the five domesticated capiscums. The name annuum means annual (from the Latin annus year, the plant is non an annual and in the absence of winter frosts can survive several seasons and grow into a large perennial shrub. The C. nnuum is especially juicy in warm and dry climates. The single flowers are an off-white (sometimes purplish) color whilst the stem is densely branched and up to 60centimetres (24 in) tall. When ripe, the fruit may be green, yellowness or red. In American side the plant is commonly known as a chili pepper or bell pepper. Sweet peppers are very oft used as a bulking agent in cheap effect made meals/take-away food as they are cheap, construct a vigorous flavour, and are colorful. The colorful aspect of peppers increases the optical appeal of the food, making it more appetizing.Capsaicin, a chemical found in chili peppers, creates a burning sensation erst ingested which can last for several hours a fter ingestion. In British English, the sweet varieties are called red or green peppers, and the impetuous varieties chillies whereas in Australian and Indian English the name capsicum is commonly used for bell peppers exclusively and chilli is often used to encompass the juicyter varieties. Uses of Capsicum Annuum The species is a source of popular sweet peppers and savoury chilis with numerous varieties cultivated all around the world.Hot peppers are used in medicine in Africa and new(prenominal) countries. It is employed in medicine, in combination with Cinchona in intermittent and lethargic affections, and also in atonic gout, dyspepsia accompanied by flatulence, tympanitis, paralysis etc. Its most valuable application appears however to be in cynanche maligna (acute diptheria) and scarlatina maligna (malignent Scarlet fever, used either as a gargle or administered internally. It is also admited efficacious for a good variety of symptoms including sore throat nd fever. Mic roorganisms Microorganisms are very diverse they include bacteria, fungi, archaea, and protists microscopic plants (green algae) and animals such as plankton and the planarian. nigh microbiologists also include viruses, but others consider these as non-living. Most microorganisms are unicellular (single-celled), but this is not universal, since some multicellular organisms are microscopic, while some unicellular protists and bacteria, like Thiomargarita namibiensis, are macroscopic and panoptic to the naked eye.Microorganisms live in all parts of the biosphere where there is liquid water, including soil, hot springs, on the ocean floor, high in the atmosphere and deep inside rocks deep down the Earths crust. Microorganisms are critical to nutrient recycle in ecosystems as they act as decomposers. As some microorganisms can frame nitrogen, they are a vital part of the nitrogen cycle, and late(a) studies indicate that airborne microbes may play a aim in precipitation and weather. Microbes are also exploited by people in biotechnology, both in traditional food and beverage preparation, and in modern technologies found on genetic engineering. However, pathogenic microbes are harmful, since they invade and grow within other organisms, causing diseases that kill people, other animals and plants. Antimicrobials An antimicrobial is a substance that kills or inhibits the egress of microorganisms1 such as bacteria, fungi, or protozoans. Antimicrobial drugs either kill microbes (microbiocidal) or observe the growth of microbes (microbiostatic).Disinfectants are antimicrobial substances used on non-living objects or outside the remains. The level of antimicrobials begins with the observations of Pasteur and Joubert, who discovered that one type of bacteria could hold open the growth of another. They did not know at that time that the reason one bacterium failed to grow was that the other bacterium was producing an antibiotic. Technically, antibiotics are only th ose substances that are produced by one microorganism that kill, or prevent the growth, of another microorganism.Of course, in todays common usage, the term antibiotic is used to refer to almost any drug that attempts to rid your body of a bacterial infection. Antimicrobials include not just antibiotics, but synthetically organise compounds as well. Antimicrobial nanotechnology is a recent addition to the fight against disease causing organisms, replacing heavy metals and toxins and may some day be a operable alternative. Infections that are acquired during a hospital levy are called hospital acquired infections or nosocomial infections.Similarly, when the infectious disease is picked up in the non-hospital alignting it is considered community acquired. Natural Antimicrobials some these plants gestate been investigated scientifically for antimicrobial activity, and a large number of plant products have been shown to inhibit the growth of pathogenic microorganisms. A number of these agents appear to have structures and modes of motion that are distinct from those of the antibiotics in sure use, suggesting that cross-resistance with agents already in use may be minimal.So, it is worthwhile to study plants and plant products for activity against resistant bacteria. Plants are rich in a wide variety of secondary metabolites, such as tannins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids, which have been found in vitro to have antimicrobial properties. CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY Materials chilli pepper Forceps person and Pestle Bacteria culture liquidizer Fungal culture Cheese clothSmall posting absorbant paper Beaker Research Design In this study, the antimicrobial activity of Capsicum annum ordain be measured quantitatively against bacterial and fungal species.The Minimum Inhibitory engrossment (MIC) allow be qualitatively determined. Plant Collection and Sampling Method Chili (Capsicum annum) plant will be obtained from the local anesthetic market of Zamboan ga City. Mature chili will be use having a operational size of 1/4 inch in diameter. Chili will be purchased using simple random sampling. This will be applied to all chili vendors in the market. They will be washed in sterile water and will be crushed prior to extraction. downslope Process The 40g crushed chili will be blended until is reaches a imperturbable texture. The chili soup will be strained by a lay off cloth and extract the juice.The chili extract will be then set aside for the experiment. Bacterial and Fungal farming The Staphylococcus aureus and Trichophyton rubrum will be used in the experiment. These microorganisms will be obtained from Department of Science and Technology (DOST). entropy Gathering Procedure The MIC will be evaluated on the chili extract screening an antimicrobial activity. From the chili extract, a weeny circular absorbent paper will be soaked and place on the surface of the cultured microorganism. After 2 days. Result will be observed. The regularize of inhibition